Chapter 9: Two Points For The Good Guy

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Zanovia Knowles:

"Why haven't you dropped any music in two years?" Andre asked as we pulled into the parking lot of his apartment complex.

"I haven't really had any inspiration, I um..can I tell you something I never told anyone?" I asked looking over at him as I placed the car in park.

"Of course Nov." he responded

"Leon and I were pregnant and I lost the baby. I guess since I lost my baby I really just lost my want to do music, I think in a way him stealing all that money from me was my karma for not taking better care of myself when I was pregnant-"

"Don't sit there and say you deserved anything because you didn't. Life happens, and sometimes we get the raw end of the deal but that's because I would like to believe it's making us stronger. You gotta keep pushing, go back to music and put it there you'll feel better. You'll always feel better after doing something you love."

"It's not that easy, I tried multiple times Dre. When I'm by myself and I dig that deep I cry and I can't even do the music."

"Let's dig deep but let's dig into what makes you happy, I'll help you."

"What you know about music?" I asked smirking and he popped his collar.

"I might got a lil some I can show you."

"So why not pursue music yourself?" I ask

"That's for me, I need an escape the world can't take from me. You get slandered for anything, I got a daughter and a son that looks up to me. They need me, and I need them." He responded. "I'll never make as much money as you Zanovia and I hope that won't be a problem for us but I promise I'll get up everyday and I'll go to work. I promise to never hurt you, or lie to you. I promise to be the best man I can be, I can't give you the world Zanovia. I won't promise you that but I promise you me. All I got to give is what's inside, and if that's not enough let me know now and I promise I'll be an amazing friend forever." When he looked at me, I could tell he meant every word. I could tell his intentions were genuine, I loved his honesty and I loved how he wasn't afraid to speak his mind and let me see the sensitive side of him. I've never met a man so down to earth like this. It shocked me, and I couldn't help how he captivated my mind and my heart slowly.

The more he spoke the more I realized how much I needed him. He was patient and I've never had that in my life. Patience is the key to everything, and he had so much of it. He dealt with my attitude, he made me smile when I was mad at him, he loved his kids and they were first in his life, he always thought before he spoke, he didn't have to tell me he was a grown ass man because everything he did said he was a grown ass man and I was attracted to that the most.

"It's not gonna be a problem Dre." I said placing my hand in his intertwining our fingers. "I want you to be more than a friend when the time is right baby boy." I say and he smiled.

"Okay then, you have nothing else to be afraid of." He said

"What you mean?" I asked

"Your heart is safe with me, always."

The knock on the window made me jump and I looked over at Angel. I let Andre's hand go rolling my window down. "Uhm come on I'm hungry." She said clapping her hands.

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