Dream Journal: October 26, 2012

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You will never know if dreams are dreams. Sometimes, it just feels so real and just in a moment, you will realize that you have just woken up from a really bad dream.

Part I

Before I slept, my friend, Dessa, kept on telling me to ask for permission already for the event we'd be going in.

But instead of me asking, I chose to assume that my mom won't allow me.

And so, in my dream, this is the story.

I asked for permission for that certain event we're going to. Guess what? My mom allowed me to go. Just that easy.

It felt weird so I have woken up for a while. And went back to sleep.

Part II

Before I slept, I had a really terrible migraine. This migraine led me to a point that I thought of me dying and this special person going to me because I'm about to die.

By the way, this guy's name is Rick. He has been all over my mind for almost 2 years and it hasn't stopped yet.

And so, in my second dream of the day, he was there.

My cellphone rang. An unregistered number appeared to me.

"Hello?" I said hesitantly.

"M! How are you?"

"Who's this?"

"This is Rick! Don't you remember me?"

My heart stopped for a while. It was Rick. The one guy I've been dreaming about for us to be together. The only guy I have true feelings with.

"Why'd you call?"

"Just nothing. I just wanted to know if you still remember me. It's been several month when we last talked to each other. You might have forgotten me or something. I hope you still do remember me. So, I called."

I was speechless. I don't know what to say to him. My heart still continues to depreciate because he called.

Then, I woke up. Like I have woken up from a really bad dream.

Research says that when a person in your dream calls you on the phone, it means that this certain person wants to communicate with you but happens not to do so. There is an emotional or mental attachment between you two which binds you together in dream since you two have not have a consistent communication with other.

And so, through your dreams you are able to talk when in real life something or someone is stopping you.

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