Ch6 Recruiting Peerage Members Part 2

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I am woken up by my brother Sirzech

Sirzech:Y/N the house is built for you

Y/N:Alright Sirzech I'll get the others and meet you outside the building

He nods and leaves the room

I then proceed to gather up the others who are in the living room chatting with Ria's and the others

Y/N:sis do you want to come see the house Sirzech built for me and my Peerage?

Rias:Of course brother

We all walk outside and follow Sirzech to the house

We soon arrive at the house and Sirzech gives us a tour of it

After the tour my Peerage and I each pick a room so that we can rest after a long day

Y/N:The house is wonderful brother now on to who I want as my Queen

Rias:Who is it?

Y/N:It's Kuroka

Sirzech:Why would you want her as your queen for?

Y/N:Because I don't believe  that she went mad with power like the council claims she did I think there is something more then what the council believes

Rias:How can you be sure?

Y/N:Okay hear me out on this. Say for example she did go mad with power wouldn't she had killed many more devil's then just the few in the building that Koneko was found in?

Sirzech:That is odd

Y/N:Right? Now what if she was actually trying to save koneko from the devil's who ran the building and the devil's was plans was to clone a army of nekomatas using Koneko and Kurokas Genes

This shocks everyone

Roman:That is not right

Rias:But if what you say is true then Kuroka only killed the devils in the building to protect koneko here...

Y/N:Exactly Sis which is why I want to make Kuroka My Queen

Rias:Very well I will help you find her

Sirzech:I as well Brother

Peerage:We will too!

Y/N:Alright let's split up I want half of you to go with Ria's the other half go With Sirzech and I will take Koneko with me

Koneko:Why me?

Y/N:Because she would need to see you and I want you to hear her if we do find her

She nods and we all split up to find Kuroka

Entering the familiar forest I walk around looking for Kuroka with Koneko beside me

Soon we hear a cat meow

Y/N:I know only one cat that would be in the familiar forest...

I turn around to see Kuroka sitting on a branch in her cat form.

Y/N:Kuroka I want to talk with you

Kuroka:And what does a Gremory want with me besides capturing me nya?

Y/N:I don't want to capture you Kuroka I just want you to clarify something for me.

She stares at me confusingly

Y/N:Before Koneko was recruited in to my sister's peerage and before you became a wanted devil you and koneko was part of a experiment that a old devil tried to conduct on you two right?

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