2. sweet chaos

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(crossposted from asianfanfics)

"The world I lived in

Has flipped over

 Inside out because of you

Right is left

Left is right"

After practice ended, Kihyun immediately left the room, and started walking (no- running, nearly) home, frustrated with himself. Several times, Changkyun caught Kihyun staring at him, which wasn't on purpose- it was a subconcious thing which Kihyun found he did often. But damn, Changkyun was attractive. The way he stood even made Kihyun forget how to say "hello". Kihyun reached the dorm and ran to his room, locking the room. "Am I attracted to Changkyun?" Was all he could think, but as he thought about it more, it wouldn't be all that bad. And it explained why he was always having trouble with his relationships in high school.

Or did it? He didn't quite know on that one. It was a fifty-fifty chance, however- Kihyun felt like it could be likely. He continued to think about this, until Minhyuk and Hyunwoo entered his room. "YOU MORON, WHY'D YOU RUN OFF? YOU JACKASS, WE HAD ONE MORE SONG AND YOU RAN OFF? WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?" Minhyuk went off, not holding back any sort of remorse and was about to continue his rant until Hyunwoo put a hand over his mouth. "Minhyukie, give him a chance, okay?" Hyunwoo took a friendlier approach to Kihyun which he greatly appreciated. "Hyungs- I'm fine, I just felt sick." Kihyun managed, while trying to sound sick. "Oh? Sick with thinking about Changkyun's di-" Minhyuk started, which earned a slap and loud "MINHYUK" from Hyunwoo and a glare from Kihyun. "Why the fuck would you say that?" Hyunwoo asked impatiently, waiting for a response.

Which he got. "Why not, Woo? He's got a thing for Changkyunnie, don't you see? It took me a while, but after he basically said "love me, Kyunnie" with his eyes at practice today, it became obvious," which was not well recieved in return. "..It's not like that at all, Hyung. I just have a lot going on right now. Changkyun is easy to confide in (which was true, Kihyun often vented and confided in the younger as he was easy to talk to and not a prick like Minhyuk), and he doesn't ask me INVASIVE QUESTIONS." Kihyun pointedly responded to Minhyuk. "That's mean. I just pointed out something I observed to you, however, if you say it's not like that, then..." "Wait. It sort of is.. I guess? I don't fucking know. And Jooheon asked me if I liked him, I honestly don't know if I do, it's confusing but I love it." Kihyun wasn't able to control any of the words that came out of his damn mouth and he regretted that last part which rightfully earned him a "That's kinda kinky bro" from Minhyuk and a confused look from Hyunwoo which led to Kihyun explaining more. "It's like an entropic thing. I have such control of myself and it's like my sandcastle is all built up, but then Changkyun's like that wave- he comes in and messes it up. I've felt this way for so long, I think I like him.." Kihyun said, shakily, unsure of how either of them would react to his confession. 

He just hoped they understood him. And to his delight Hyunwoo and Minhyuk did. "I have to confess this now, It wasn't a big secret like you want to believe. Our manager even asked me after a concert. He saw you shooting jealous glares at Changkyun and Hyungwon at one point," Hyunwoo spoke up while Minhyuk being the immature person he was giggled like a schoolgirl and didn't take any of this seriously. "I- I was not jealous! I was just wanting to take Hyungwon's place and as I say this I was probably a bit jealous.." Kihyun tried to retort, but at no avail. He wasn't gonna win. So he kicked Minhyuk out of his room, knowing he would blab to Hyungwon or Hoseok, as he always did. Jerk, Kihyun thought silently and then turned his attention back to Hyunwoo.

"Hyunwoo, could you please not tell Kyunnie? I want to tell him myself, and it's an embarrassing thing to think about. I don't want the others knowing, but knowing Minhyuk.. He'll probably tell Hyungwon, or Hoseok," Kihyun proposed the question to Hyunwoo, hoping he'd accept, and instantly Kihyun got nervous. What if he told Changkyun? What about our manager? What about our CEO? What if I get kicked out, what if I- Kihyun shivered, ignoring his thoughts and turned back to Hyunwoo. "Kihyun-ah, did you hear me? I said I wouldn't tell him. I understand how you feel, just.. Don't make a wrong move. He's young, clueless and not the brightest crayon. Ok? Okay. I'll be on my way now, but please- do not leave practice early again," Hyunwoo said and promptly left, leaving Kihyun and his mind to wander.

Later on in the evening, Changkyun burst into Kihyun's room, startling the older, and earning a lecture about respecting others' space. 
"I'm sorrryyyyyyyyy hyuuungiieee, I'm just worried for you, you seemed distant earlier.. Are you okay? What's on your mind?" The younger drawled out his words and took a seat by the older. Kihyun took note that the younger wreeked of booze, and that he sounded drunk. He was probably out with Jooheon again, But wait- Did Jooheon tell him? Did Joo tell Changkyun Kihyun liked him? Fuck, Kihyun thought, the heat of his cheeks rising again. "I-I'm fine! There's nothing wrong, why would I be distant?" Kihyun's mouth was at it again, out of his control. Changkyun noticed this, and asked the question he wanted to. 
"Hyung why were you staring at me so much? Are you sick? Is that thing still bothering you?" Kihyun jumped up and could feel himself going bright red in the face. Here I go again, god damnit. I was composed until now, what the hell is wrong with me? Why am I like this? Kihyun replied with, "No no no Kkung, I'm fine! I just have a question... I like this person, but I don't know how to tell them.. I'm afraid I could ruin mine and their career.. My friends know. But this person doesn't. Or they do, but aren't telling me... How do I tell them I like them?" Kihyun proposed his question, nervous.

Changkyun, slightly drunk after he and Jooheon hung out, didn't know what to say. Jooheon had been talking so much that Changkyun was sure he was more sober than the older. Jooheon had glazed over this, but he mentioned Kihyun- But it wasn't like what he thought. "Changkyun-ah, I'm pretty sure that Kihyun-hyung isn't straight. He said something earlier, but I think I drank too much to remember." Jooheon laughed, smiling ear to ear. But Changkyun knew that. Kihyun shrank 5 times more when Changkyun came into a room Kihyun was in, and his body seemed to show it. Changkyun smirked to himself, fully aware of his actions, and almost did something when Kihyun called him back to reality. "Kyun-ah, are you listening to me?" Changkyun felt his face flush too, and replied with a "Oh, Sorry. If you like this person, you should really go after them," Changkyun hinted, nuzzling his head into the older, and instantly Kihyun flushed.

"Changkyun-ah, would you like to spend the night in my room?"

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