Chapter 16

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(Jenna's POV)

"Tristan.... I.... I don't really hate you." I sighed, rolling my eyes. I collapsed on my bed in defeat, holding my head in my hands. I was too ashamed to look up at him.

"Jen. I... I... I don't know what to say. If I said that I loved you, it wouldn't be enough." His red, puffy eyes went wide, clearly shocked at my forgiving nature. Just because he's a big block of cheese, doesn't mean I immediately love him again.

"You say that now, sounding cheesier than pizza, but what about when your mum tells you we can't be together, again!?" I peel my hands off my face and look up at him. He knows that I'm right, but he's too cocky to admit it.

"I'm not going to listen to her if she doesn't want me to be happy. In a few years, I will be supreme and higher than her. If need be, we hide." He grins, looking as though the plan was thought up on the spot, I wouldn't be surprised if it was.

"Tristan, I'm not hiding just to please others. One chance, Tristan. We either go out in public or it's off! And don't play with me again! I mean it!" I tried my best to stay stern and be commanding, nearly succeeding, until he jumped on to me.

"It's a deal!" He laughed, finally a truly happy and cheesy grin. Not that he's depressing, just he doesn't grin. I giggled at his childishness.

"Get off me you oaf!" I laughed, pounding on his chest. He didn't move in the slightest. "To gain strength, did you have to give up your hearing? Get off!" I jokingly screamed.


"Tristan get out now! Please just go! I don't want her seeing you!" I begged, pushing him off me and jumping up.

"I though you said, and I quote 'I'm not hiding just to please others'. Your mum included." Tristan looked down at me. I shook my head, at an increased pace.

"No she is not included! Just go Tris..." I began.

"Who is up there with you, Jennifer!?" She wailed, her shrew voice echoing through the house.

"Nobody!" I shouted down, putting on a fake happy voice.

"Oh really!" I heard her voice from my door. I slowly turned, dreading the thought of seeing her face. She glared at me, her arms folded, looking disappointed.

"So you are alone. You must be fucking insane then. Talking to yourself. Messed up little child." She shook her head, with a look of pity in her eyes. I clenched my fists and closed my eyes for a second, barely noticeable.

"No she isn't. Your daughter is perfect. It is you, bitchwitch, that is the 'fucking insane' one in this house. She has to put up with your drunk ass on a daily basis, you abusive witch." Tristan walked in front of me, I swear he jumped out of the window. He stood up to my mum, glaring at her and never loosing eye contact.

"How dare you?! And in my house! I have never laid a finger on my girls' heads! I have cared for them everyday of their lives! Call me what you want but I would never hurt them! Get out of my house!" She looked ready to burst, her face bright red. Her long, pale, crooked finger pointing towards the door.

"No! Maybe you don't physically hurt your daughters, but you sure as hell aren't mother of the year! Mental abuse leaves a far worse mark on them than physical abuse. If I leave, I take Jen with me!" Tristan was nearly 2 foot taller than my mum, yet she didn't seem intimidated by him.

"Go ahead, I bet she'd love that! Going off with a boy! You'll have broken up within the month!" She cackled, looking proud of herself, as though she had achieved something. Was she just trying to get rid of me? I mean Clara made jokes, but that's what sisters do. Right?

"You've been trying to get rid of me. This whole time I thought you were just evil, but you hate me. It's all my fault." I can't look weak. I can't look weak. I can't look weak. I can't look weak. I chanted in my head. Tristan rested his hand on my shoulder, and the chanting stopped. Cheesy, I know, but it's true.

"I'm impressed, Sherlock. I guess you aren't totally stupid. I must have done something right." She smirked. You know how I said Tristan calmed me down... Screw that! I slapped her, making my palm stink but it was totally worth it.

"God, I've been waiting to do that for so long." I found so much pleasure in seeing her pain. If only it had hurt more. Now I'm no sadist, but that felt amazing! I turned to Tristan and he was shaking his head, but clearly smiling. He left my side and grabbed a duffel bag, how clique.

"Don't even think that I'll ever want you to come back. You might as well get a new identity, because you are not my daughter." Her swamp green eyes were staring into my soul. As if she thinks that I'd ever even dream of coming back.

"Wouldn't dream of it." I laughed, properly laughing in front of her, well that's new. If I had a scrap book, that would be the front cover. 'Memories that never should have happened!'

"Got it." Tristan whispered in my ear. I spun round, not believing his speed. My room had been practically cleared, except for furniture and what not. How many bag? I asked myself. "4." He grinned. If he has mind reading then I'm gonna kill him. "I guess I'm dead." He smirked, jumping out the window, in front of my mum!

"Oh my god!" She ran over and looked, but he had gone. Not surprising in the slightest. I grabbed my rucksack from the end of my bed and flung it over my shoulder.

"It hasn't been a pleasure knowing you. Have a shite life! Goodbye. Hope you don't miss me." I falsely pouted, placing my hand over my heart. I strutted out of the room and downstairs, walking past Clara.

"Where you goin?" She asked, tilting her head to one side, looking genuinely confused. I almost pity her. Almost.

"I'm leaving."


I'm gonna start making an Authors Note, not sure if Emily is. I'm genuinely stunned that we've got over 7k reads! Thank you so much!!

Kick me by Sleeping with Sirens

Have an amazing week you guys!
- Alex :)

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