Chapter One.

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T'was in the depths of an old abandoned manor house that Grandomina was discovered, not by great explorers of the unknown, or even a noted archaeological professor with many qualifications to his name. It was discovered by two young girls of similar age, perhaps not so similar backgrounds but was united by their longing to belong, their belief in dreams and hope and their thirst for knowledge and the desire for somewhere they could thrive. They hadn't planned on discovering Grandomina, far from it. The most they desired was to escape their normal lives for but a while. 

It had been a normal day, the sun was shining, or rather it would be if it wasn't for the fluffy white clouds drifting in front of it, dimming the light ever so slightly over the landscape. There was a light wind blowing, only enough to lightly push the left over leaves from autumn along the floor. The manor was old yet still beautiful on the outside; it was a Victorian building with gothic detail in the stone work. The windows were smashed in places and boarded up in others, parts of the building was crumbling, showing the neglect at what would have been a once immaculate building. A perfect place to spend the day in the company of friends. 

It was originally an adventure thought up for the purpose of creating photography for the two girls' art projects as both girls had an interest in abandoned buildings. Those two photographers were Chloe and Tizzie. 

Chloe was the blonde one, she had short hair that was longer on the left hand side than the right and
it was styled into a sort of fluffy boyish cut, with pink goggles hidden amongst the undergrowth of bleached blonde. Her blue eyes were framed with lashings of black eyeliner and eye shadow, save for a little red just beneath the black eyeliner. shining from her lip was a black lip ring which drew attention to her face. She wore a black shirt, waistcoat and a hoodie, black skinny jeans and clumpy boots. All up her arms were wristbands of various bands, and various meanings and in her fingerless gloved hands she held her camera, her sketchpad and pencils resided within her backpack. 

Tizzie had long hair that had different shades of brunette and blonde blended together including a fringe of pink, purple and blue. Upon her head perched a pair of goggles, this time black. Drawing attention to her face was a nosering of rainbow colour complimenting her hair. Her marvellous hazel eyes were framed by black eyeliner and purple eye shadow. She wore a black steampunky skirt, black and purple tights, a white shirt and a black corset with various steampunk elements to it. and shiny purple doc martens.

Lead by Chloe, who had been there before, they wandered around the building, taking in all the strange beauty of the destruction. Occasionally pausing in an interesting room to photograph perhaps a smashed window with the daylight shining through like a beam from heaven itself, or perhaps a solitary old chair in the shadows, cobwebs lightly dusted over it and it table companion as if watching your every move. The floorboards creaked sometimes of their own accord as if there was an invisible entity still within the house that would not materialize. The wind took the opportunity to whistle through the cracks in the windows as if to try and put the young adventurers off. But they were not to be put off from their mission of getting the best shots possible in order to please their oppressive art teacher.

It had been a rather enjoyable day, exploring a house that had been untouched for so long and left to rot much like a forgotten slice of bread that has fallen behind the toaster and you cant be bothered to rescue it, or like a five day old cheese sandwich forgotten in the corner of a teenagers room. The girls were about to call it a day and make their way back to the way in which they entered when Chloe noticed a darkened staircase on which vines snaked down the banisters as it lead down into the basement or what may have once been the servant's quarters of this once grand manor house. 

"Tiz, have we been down there? I'm sure we could get some good photos down there." She said quietly pointing, stopping the other girl in her tracks. 
Tizzie peered down the stairway, straightening her glasses a little. 

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