There you sat in the middle of the bench seat in your uncles pick up henry had squished you in the middle keeping his distance from the old man as he drove past the welcome to derry sign.

You felt your hands ache as you looked down at the clean white bandages that covered each individual finger up to the nail and the bandages reaching all the way up to your elbows, you sighed leaning against henry a bit to get away from the foul stench of old whiskey and chewing tobacco your uncle clearly hadnt bathed in awhile as you took in his disheveled appearance the motor oil streaks across his face and blackened hands you broke out of your thoughts at the feel of the pick up stopping you looked forward seeing the run down looked different from what you remembered the shingles were falling down and the what was once a white picket fence was now chipped pieces of white wood that were scattered about the lawn "y/n you'll be sharin' henry's chores and going to school with him but I expect dinner to be ready when i get home at six ya understand " the thin man turned to you scratching at his unwashed stubble that sprouted from his neck looking down at you with a sneer "yes sir" you spoke quietly knowing what the man did to your cousin henry your mom had told you about how abusive your uncle her own brother used to be even before your aunt died, it made you cautious around your uncle not wanting to make a wrong move or step out of line.

It didnt take long for you to unpack your suitcase and duffle bag you smiled at the sight of your photo album containing all the family pictures you had saved and the brown leather camera case holding your polaroid camera and two things of film the last gift you got from your parents before the accident.

Soon enough the old guest room was littered with a few of your favorite trinkets and one of your favorite stuffed bears that had buttons for eyes and a bright red silk bow around his neck.

~Time skip(cause I'm terrible)~

You tried to block out the sounds the yelling was okay at first but when you heard the audible beating you couldnt take it as you rushed out of the room into henrys room you saw henry lying on the floor curled up the smack of the belt resembling a whip made you jump as you launched yourself into action reaching for the weapon in your bandaged hands you yanked it from your uncles grasp making the dirty old man stumble his blood shot eyes turning to you as he took in your appearance the long white t shirt and orange short athletic shorts, he gave you a lecherous smirk as he dropped the bottle empty bottle of whiskey with a crash making both you and henry go stiff "you look so much like my whore of a sister" he sneered at you making you take a step back the belt still in your hands as you gripped the leather strap tightly "I remember a day where i fucked the shit out of her" he chuckled closing in on your trembling form henry scrambling to the corner of the room with tears streaming down his face pleading with his father not to hurt you that you didnt know any better but it only fueled the drunk man as he gripped your throat "the screams she gave me as she came" he spat in your face "she would deny it but she loved it..." you raised your hand trying to use the belt as a weapon but your uncle simply jolted you slamming your head against the wall making your vision blurry the belt clattering to the floor as he repeated his movement squeezing your neck making it harder to breath you gripped his wrist clawing at his fingers as you gasped for air your legs dangling from the ground "lets have alil' fun" the words were almost a whisper as your vision went out completely your body going limp in his grasp.

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