You could feel body ache as something cold and wet dragged across your mouth, you let your head roll to the side trying to force your eyes open

"Shhh...its okay cuz he's not gunna hurt you"

The sound of henrys voice was weak and broken as it hit your ears your eyelids fluttering open you winced at the bright sunlight that hit your eyes "w-what happened?" You asked, your vision still spotty as you blinked the sleep away henry rubbed the blood stained washcloth against your face ringing it out in the sink of the bathroom "when you passed out he...he wanted to" henry stopped as he placed the wet rag under your nose to stop the bleeding.

"i stopped him before he could....but you got alil banged up still" henry whispered his nose visibly broken and a large bruise started to form on his cheekbone "you should've stayed out of it" henry stood up reaching in the medicine cabinet grabbing the aspirin and the clean white gauze he had stolen from the med-mart "here let me change those" he handed you the aspirin and sat on the grimy tile floor infront of the wall he had you propped against he unwrapped your arms revealing the minor burns and the deep cuts that still had little black stitches threaded through the skin the scars that ranged from pink to an angry red one of the wounds had opened and began seeping blood. Henry was gentle as he cleaned up the blood wrapping your fingers and wrapping all the way up to your elbow. You popped two aspirin in your mouth as he finished one arm and moved to the next his hands starting to shake "im sorry y/n" he whispered barely loud enough for you to hear it but at that moment you felt something inside you break maybe it was just all the emotions you had built up since the accident you really didnt know but the first tear silently made its way down your cheek stinging the small cut that had gotten there from last night you had pushed away henrys hand from your arm and hugged him tightly he hesitated at first but caved in wrapping his arms around you in a loose hug afraid he might hurt you.

You both sat there on the grimy green tiled bathroom floor for what felt like hours not willing to go out and face the harsh reality of what you both had to endure it was at that moment henry vowed to protect you he knew he promised to keep you safe when you were both little back then you two were inseparable but now he knew if his father ever hurt you or tried to do the things henry heard him say to you....he'd kill him. 

You ignored the sting of henrys rough flannel on your exposed scars as you made a silent vow to help henry escape this hell hole, you werent sure how but you knew one way or another you were going to take him away from here.

The next day....

You and henry had snuck out of the house to get to school...your uncle was asleep and neither of you wanted to wake the old man. Henry had ran off towards his group leaving you infront of the red brick school building. You sighed adjusting your bag on your shoulders, tugging and the sleeves of the sweater you were wearing to hide the bandages it was just the beginning of summer the weather wasnt to hot but the thin sweater was still a bit warm.

You walked through the crowded halls holding your English textbook checking your schedule as you avoided everyone in the halls trying to get past a very large group of football players you get launched back your bag being pulled making you hiss as the straps dig into your shoulders your head connecting with the lockers your eyes pop open and no one was there besides the flood of students. You picked up your textbook and schedule and continued walking "Y/n!" You heard your name being called out so you lifted your head searching the crowded hall as you saw henry leaning against the lockers with a group of boys around him, you made your way over to henry looking at the boys curiously seeing everyone avoided looking at them or even being around them "what classes you got?" Henry asked taking the schedule from the top of your English text book "jesus...what are you a genius or something?" The tall lanky brown haired boy joked " not really" you spoke softly trying to grab your schedule only for henry to side step away and hold the sheet of paper out of your reach causing you to try and jump to grab it "Knock it off Bowers!" A voice come from behind you making you turn slightly as the group of boys around you chuckled and began oohing "yeah whatcha gunna do about trash mouth?" The blonde asked looking back at henry "you'd know whats good for ya if you kept your nose out of other people's business" henry spoke taunting the boy with curly black hair and glasses that were taped in the middle you watched as the tall lanky brown haired boy pushed the black haired boy down

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