I never even got to say goodbye

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➰➰➰In honor of yet another great discovery(2k views and 108 votes) I present you with chapter...... Oh I'll figure it out later.➰➰➰

Lena's Pov.


It seemed to appear from every crack in the walls.

It oozed, coming out in long, flowing waves. It was so deep red, that you could have easily mistaken it for a part of the wall in the shadows.

But I knew the truth. The truth that it was coming. That this was just a part of what will be lost.

I begin to walk around and take in my surroundings.

It's a small room, the size of a closet small. The walls were made of stone. It was dark. There was no light source to be seen.

I began to pound on the walls. Even my strength couldn't do anything.

Maybe this is just a dream. Maybe I'll wake up any minute to find my pack sitting around the forest.

But I knew the truth.

That what had happened was real.

That I had lost them.

All of them.

But maybe this room here was a dream also. Maybe this is just a fragment of my imagination.

Or maybe this is real.

Maybe the blood on the wall is a real death that had happened.

But how?

The stone wall could keep me in when it's only stone, breakable stone.

So, this is a dream?

Maybe, maybe not.

I close my eyes and picture the familiar sight of my house when I lived in colorado with.... Astros, oh Astros how I miss you. How I miss your demanding voice when you wanted to know where I've been.

I feel a difference in the room and open my eyes to see myself standing in that house. It was empty, but it was home.

A dream I realized.

We had lost this house when the war came. A war that involved that evil psychopath hitler. It had taken out some of my pack during our times at home with our families. Luckily, I'm christain. At least, that's what I started to think until the nazis came.

Enough about religion and more about what I was seeing.

The house that showed me emotion and sympathy and how to use it. Before then I was a heartless monster. But I learned, and showed my pack the way of heart.

The image of my home becomes blurry, and begins to darken with every second.

Again, a great moment is ruined by someone calling me, dragging me back to reality.

Then white consumes me and I'm ready to meet my fate.

But I still have one thing yearning me to stay here, a regret I'll always keep.

I never even got to say goodbye.

➰➰➰sorry for he short chapter, I think?
Well any-who, I'm in break and that means hopefully more book writing time.
Hope you enjoy!

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