Chapter 1

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(The year 2004)

"Jungkook, go play at the playground for a while. I and your father are just gonna talk" Mrs. Jeon said. Jungkook nodded and went to the playground. Instead of playing with the other kids at the park, Jungkook was sitting alone at the bench and watches them instead.

"Hey look! He's such a loner, no one wants to play with him. Loser!" a kid said to Jungkook. "Hey, don't say that! You don't know him" a girl said from Jungkook's back. "Just leave. You're just hurting people's feelings". The mean kids left. The girl who defended Jungkook sat beside him.

"You okay?" she asked. Jungkook froze when their eyes met. "Hey, you good?", "Oh! Um, yes...Thanks". They smiled at each other. " I'm Lisa. I'm from Thailand. Sorry if my korean is not that good, I'm still learning" she said with a smile on her face. "No, your korean is nice! I'm Jungkook" he introduced with a smile also. "Let's play?" Lisa asked, "Sure!". Jungkook became happier while playing with Lisa.

Jungkook and Lisa became best friends. They always go to the park to see each other, celebrated birthdays together, call each other, made a lot of memories together, which made them fall and catch feelings.

Lisa POV
*After calling Jungkook*
" Hey sweetie, are you okay? You've been smiling for an hour while you're on the phone with Jungkook" said Lisa's Mom. "Mom...."

"I think I'm in love" said Lisa, blushing.

Jungkook POV
"Hey kook, Mom said you have to...Why are you blushing?" His Brother, Jin, saw Jungkook blushing after calling Lisa.

"Jin, I'm in love" said Jungkook, blushing.

The next day, they decided to confess.
"I have to tell you something" they both said at the same time, they chuckled. "Listen, we've been friends since we were 8. You are my only best friend who's been there for me for the past 4 years. You made me happy all these years" Jungkook speaking his heart out.

"We're now 13 and we're very close, like so close, and then I caught feelings, Lisa."

"I...I like-"
*Jungkook's phone vibrates*
"It's my Father. Sorry, I have to take this", "It's fine" said Lisa. *Mr. Jeon on the phone* "Jungkook? Where are you? Are you at the park again hanging out with Lisa? Jungkook, you need to grow up and start learning things for your future. You spend to much time hanging out with Lisa. Come home right now and study here with your brother."

"Yes, Father" Jungkook replied. "I have to go, my Father wants me to go home" said Jungkook. "It's okay. Just tell me tomorrow" said Lisa. Jungkook went away and left Lisa at the park. When he left, Lisa became upset. She heard their conversation. Lisa became worried and upset.

Lisa POV
"Are they gonna separate us? We'll never see each other again?"
"Hey Lis, you okay? You look sad" Lisa's sister, Jisoo, worrying. "I'm okay" Lisa replied.

The next day, Lisa went to the park, but Jungkook didn't show up. Lisa thought that he might be studying so she left and went back home. Lisa came back the next day. He's still not there. Jungkook didn't show up for a week. Lisa became very upset. She lost hope.

One day, Lisa was sitting at the bench where she first met Jungkook. "Hi, Lis," said by someone at Lisa's back. Lisa looked back to see who it was. It's Jungkook. "I'm sorry. My parents won't allow me to come here, they want me to study" said Jungkook, sadly. "It's okay, I understand. I'm just glad you came" said Lisa, smiling. Jungkook kind of smiled back also.

"Kook, are you done? We have to go now" said Jin from the car. Lisa saw the car, so she asked, "Where are you going?". "Lisa, I actually came here to say goodbye. I'm leaving Busan, I'm moving to Seoul" said Jungkook. Lisa's eyes were teary and shook. "Jungkook! Let's go!" said Mrs. Jeon. "Promise me, to never forget each other" said Lisa with her pinky out. "I promise" said Jungkook. Both of their pinkies crossed as they kept their promise to never forget each other.

 Both of their pinkies crossed as they kept their promise to never forget each other

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"Sorry Lisa but Jungkook has to go" said Mr. Jeon grabbing Jungkook. "I'll miss you Lis" Jungkook whispered. Lisa grabbed Jungkook's hand

"I'll miss you too" tears dropped from Lisa's eyes

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"I'll miss you too" tears dropped from Lisa's eyes. Tears also dropped from Jungkook's eyes as they let go. As soon as the car left, Lisa began to cry. "It's okay, Lis" Jisoo comforting Lisa. Jisoo looked at the ground and saw something. It's a picture of Jungkook, he dropped it so Lisa could keep it. Lisa smiled when she saw the picture. There was a note at the back. It says, " I won't forget you Lisa, I promise", Lisa smiled.

The next day, Lisa tried calling Jungkook, but he didn't answer. "Maybe he's busy. I'll call him again tomorrow", she said to herself. Day after day, Lisa kept calling Jungkook but he still won't answer. Now 1 month has passed, still no news from Jungkook. "Jisoo, do you think he forgot about me already?" she asked her sister. "I don't think so. Maybe his selfish parents bought him a new phone, that's why he can't contact you" Jisoo replied.

2 years later

"Lisa is going to be so excited and happy when she hears this!" said Jisoo. "What are you guys talking about?" Lisa asked. "We're moving to Seoul!!" her Mom said, excitedly. "WHAT? PLEASE TELL ME YOU ARE NOT JOKING" Lisa jumps with excitement. "It's true! We better start packing" said his Dad, smiling. Lisa smiled and gave them a big hug. "Thank you" said Lisa. Even though 2 years have passed, Lisa still remembers Jungkook.


Lisa is now 23. She's a book editor, she also does photography. Lisa lives with her sister, Jisoo, her parents are back in Thailand. "Oh no, I'm late for work!". Lisa quickly washed up and changed her clothes. The bus was taking too long so she just ran to work. Suddenly, she bumped into a person. "Watch it!" the guy said. "I'm very sorry! I'm really in a hurry so...". When their eyes met, Lisa froze.


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