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The corners of Chu Beijie's mouth lifted.

Chu Moran was too amazed at the amazing sound and had only just remembered to pass on his Master's order. But he suddenly heard Chu Beijie say, "Don't kill them yet. Bring the girl who's playing that qin into my Residence."


Soon Chu Beijie's eyes landed upon the jet-black iris he loved yet hated at the same time.

This time her eyes were trained on him, not angrily, not mischievously, not scared nor even pleased. Pingting just watched him and humbly bowed. "I am here, Duke."

Chu Beijie was surprised to hear the familiar voice from behind the blinds. He pursed his lips.

Narrowing his eyes at her, he said, "Today my perception of life seems to have widened. You are the Lady and the maid. You are mute yet you can sing. If there is anything else you can do let me see it."

The Duke of Zhen-Bei's voice was threatening, which was usually enough to make the bravest of warriors shake, yet she was neither angry nor afraid.

Pingting smiled, pretending to look hurt, "Duke is angry?"

Chu Beijie harrumphed coldly, asking a question instead, "I'm assuming you fully understand that 'soldiers know fraud' meaning; that while sometimes fraud leads to victory, fraud can also lead to disastrous defeat?"

"The victor will always decide the fate of the defeated." Pingting's face turned serious and she sighed, "If so, then feel free to punish me, Duke." She bowed her head.

Chu Beijie secretly smiled at her bowed head. He grabbed the jade pendant on the table and slowly thumbed it. "I know what your point is, you don't want the Hua family to be destroyed. I guess that's a pretty good conscience for a maid. Fine, I'll forgive the Hua family for now, but..." He thought for a moment and coldly said. "You must stay here."

"Stay in the Ducal Residence and serve Duke?"

Chu Beijie mused, "Or do you plan to be my duchess or something?"

Without another word, she slowly bowed at him.

Hong, her name was Hong. This name wasn't as interesting as the person herself. Chu Beijie had just gained another common maid but he felt much more excited than usual for some reason. It was like he'd come across a 'once-in-a-lifetime' preciousness, or a deliciously exotic cuisine and couldn't wait to taste it, but at the same time, couldn't bear to ruin it.

The new maid, Hong, had lied to the Duke of Zhen-Bei, had been caught by him and was now locked in a small room of his Ducal Residence, away from everyone else.

Chu Beijie wanted to see her, but for some reason he kept on stopping himself.

He wasn't a god, so of course he was angry. Several times he had woken up in the middle of the night, grinding his teeth and fists clenched, thinking that he, a Duke, got all messed up by a maid and ended up standing in front of another woman's door. His pride as a man was absolutely torn into shreds. He wanted to torture that damned girl, throw her into jail, leave her in the forest to the wolves and then throw her off a cliff.


"Here! What does Duke need?"

Chu Moran appeared at the doorway but Chu Beijie had suddenly calmed down again.

No, he couldn't let her die so easily. That girl should stay in his residence for her whole lifetime, to repent for her crimes. He'd sometimes go to tease her, and make her cry.

The next day, Pingting got sick, just when Chu Beijie had planned to taunt her.

"Sick?" Chu Beijie's eyes flickered towards Chu Moran and he coldly laughed, "Is this another one of her deceptions, 'soldiers know fraud'?"

"The doctor has already seen her. She is seriously sick." Chu Moran replied, his voice grave.

Chu Beijie's eyes flashed, "What does she have?"

"Long-term symptoms, continuous coughing and drowsiness."

Chu Beijie thought of that night when Pingting had also been sick, and he had personally carried her into her room. He remembered those energetic eyes slowly close and how under the moonlight, he had truly thought she was a real beauty.

"Duke...are you going to see her?"

A sharp gaze turned to Chu Moran, forcing him to take a step back. He lowered his head and hurriedly said, "I-I-I just thought...maybe..."

Chu Beijie looked away and sat back at the desk, grabbed an official document and carefully read it. Then in a hesitant voice, he asked "Which doctor did you hire?"

"Chen Guanzhi."

"She's just a maid, no need to provide her a famous doctor."

Chu Moran had hardly ever been criticised by his Master and he paled, "Okay, I'll change it immediately..."

"No need," Chu Beijie picked up a pen, flamboyantly wrote two lines of approval on the document. He seemed to have calmed down a little, "He's already been hired, so don't bother anymore."

A Lonesome Fragrance Waiting to be Appreciated 1Where stories live. Discover now