Chapter One

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        For some time now, I've always felt eyes on me, watching me. The feeling made the hair on the back of my neck stand, sending chills down my spine. It's not the normal gawking of the new comers or the snide judgment from the locals that I've become so well aquatinted with. This feeling came from the unknown, fixing itself in the back of my mind. No matter how hard I looked or how fast I turned around, the source of the discomfort remained unseen, lurking in the shadows just beyond eyesight. Eventually, I got used to the feeling, almost comfortable with it has I followed out my daily routine, knocking it up to just paranoia from past relationships. And that was the mistake that started the avalanche of many more.

Rush hour with five servers on the floor was just that; a rush. Busy bodies that once swarmed around me now take their time, the evening winding down to a low.
        "All you need to do is roll silver and you can go, Natalie." Megans voice brought me out of my day dream and back to reality of being at work. I nod and thank her, taking a second to watch her red curly hair bounce as she walks back out into the dining room.

A sigh escapes my lips as I hit the print button on the screen before me, the ticket printer buzzing before a thin piece of paper is pushed out. The receipt is warm between my fingers as I slide the paper into the ticket book in front of me. The double doors leading to the dining area squeak as I pass through them, letting my eyes roam over the bar for familiar faces. Seeing none, I weave my way through ugly green table covers that decorated the path way to my section. My eyes land on my table and I can feel my eyebrows pulling together in confusion as an extra person seemed to have joined last second. My feet ached at the thought of having to stay for another hour as I neared the table, summoning my last work smile for the night.

          "This is your ticket, there is absolutely no rush you can take your time. Are you joining them or just visiting?" I turn to the new comer with my smile, slightly taken aback from the site before me.

         Green eyes sparkled up at from from the table, mischief clear in the orbs. A smirk played on full lips as he pushed his damp curls back away from his face, leaning back into the booth seat. Water droplets spotted his white tee shirt, the dampened clothe thin enough to reveal the tattoos across his chest.

        "You're wet." I blurt, causing his smirk to grow. I could feel the heat creep into my cheeks, the tips of my ears burning from embarrassment.

         "You're quite right, love. It's a bit of bad weather outside." He rasped, motioning towards the window not far behind me. I follow his silent instruction and glanced out the window of the store to find the rain coming down hard on the other side of the clear glass. I nodded my head and bit the inside of my cheek to keep from saying anything else that might make me sink into the floor with embarrassment.

          "But, to answer your question, no. I won't be joining them. I will be paying for their bill, though." He chimed, grabbing the black book from in front of him. His two friends stayed quiet, sneaking glances at each other as the guy stuffed a handful of cash into the book and closed it.

          "Here you go, love. Keep the change." He grinned at me before standing from his spot on the outside end of the booth, towering over me. I look up at him as he steps forward, his body brushing my arm has he steps around me.

           "Excuse me." He gently says as he passes, his voice low. I stood still and wished them a good night has they each passed by, not wanting to get in the way of their exit.

"Who was that?" Megan seemed to materialize at my elbow, startling me out of my trance. I shrugged my shoulders and grabbed the book off of the table.

"I don't know, but he left me twenty on a forty dollar ticket. So, that was nice." I comment, turning to to look out of the window. Megan follows, her eyes locking in on the white shirt slipping into a black vehicle not far from the entrance.

"Well, whoever he was, he's fine. I'd climb that man like a tree." I laughed at her crudeness, taking a last look at the vehicle leaving the parking lot.

The next thirty minutes seems to drag, the napkins seeming to never end as I twist and roll. With silverware stacked high, I shove the basket into the cubby hole by the front door, adjusting my bag on my shoulder has I wave goodbye to the bartender.

             "I'll see you tomorrow, Viv." I call out, waiting for the blonde to turn around. She flashes me a white smile, waving as I push through the front door.

            I quickly open my umbrella, ducking underneath it to avoid the pouring rain. I sigh as I feel the rain puddles seeping into my shoes, the cold water bringing me out of my sleepy daze. The chilly wind cuts through my thin work shirt as I adjust my bag once more on my shoulder, crossing my arms over my chest tightly for warmth.

             The ten minute walk home felt like it took an hour, a wave of relief washed through me when I seen my front porch light. I shove my hand into my pants pocket, the familiar jingle of keys gracing my ears. I had found my apartment on a craigslist ad. It seemed sketchy but it was cheap, clean and close to my job. The place small but the kitchen is nice and it's got a decent sized closet so I can't really complain.

         Inserting the key and twisting the lock, my one bedroom apartment never looked so comfortable. My keys clatter onto the counter as I kick the door shut with my foot. I flip the light switch beside the door on, kicking off my shoes as I place my bag on the counter. A meow calls from my feet, an immediate smile appearing as I greet my roommate.

"I've missed you too, Pancake." The grey cat rubs herself against the back of my legs, her purr vibrating her small body.

"Let's go get some comfy clothes on." I mumble, shuffling towards my room.

The hangers slide across the bar, my fingers connecting with the soft material of a shirt. The plain white clothe reminded me of the man from my job, how it cling to his shoulders. I find myself pulling the shirt off of the hanger, tossing it on my bed.

          I peel my wet clothes off, shivering as I quickly reach for the clothes laid out. After throwing my old work clothes into the laundry basket, I grab a blanket off my bed and head to the living room. The blanket is laid out and The Office is playing on my television before I decide to eat.

            I open the small refrigerator and glance inside. A dim light illuminates the inside, showing the lack of groceries I'm in desperate need to shop for. Turkey meat seems like the best option so I pull out the basic needs for a sandwich. Once complete, I clean up my mess and take a bite of my sandwich, pointing to Pancake's full food bowl when she eyes my sandwich. After grabbing  a water bottle from the counter beside the fridge, I settle in on the couch and relax.


A soft paw smushed my cheek, bringing me out of my dreams. Dark curls and green eyes fade as the television before me slowly registers. The older show on the screen informs me that it's in the early AM, dawn peeking through the thin curtains beside the TV. Pancake meows, circling back around to rub against my chest. I pet her gently before removing her from my lap, gripping the blanket closer to me as I stand from the couch.

I don't bother turning the television off, leaving the old black and white movie to play as I walk back to my room. Pancake beats me there, impatiently walking back and forth at the end when I enter the room. I bling onto the bed and pull the cover around me, curling into a ball. I close my eyes and try to go back to sleep but sleep eludes me. The low rumble of thunder informs me of another rainy day, the sound of putter patter on the window comforting me.

Rain has always made me feel better, comfortable. Almost safe. It's relaxing sound causing me to let go of the tension in my body, relaxing back into my mattress. A small body curls behind my back, the low vibration of her purr luring me back into a dreamless sleep.

Thank you for clicking on my story! I know it's a slow start but I have big plans for this story! I hope you enjoy ☺️


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