Imma add a photo later on, when I've finished drawing it!!!
[ name ]: Lili Yang
[ other names ]: Nishimura Natsuki, Shin Eun Ae & Anaelle Gras
[ nicknames ]:
[ age ]: 11-18 (13-18)
[ gender ]: female
[ date of birth ]: 1990
[ ethnicity ]: Chinese-American
♢ She's Chinese but lives in America.
[ sexual orientation ]: straight
[ romantic interest ]: noneAPPEARANCE
[ height ]: 5'3"
[ weight ]: —
[ body type ]: the normal kid body, duh.
[ eye color ]: black
[ hair color ]: black
[ skin tone ]: white
[ tattoos ]: none
[ piercings ]: ears
[ scars ]: noneSCHOOL
[ grade ]: 6th-12th
[ dorm or day student ]: dorm student
[ favorite class ]: Art
[ least favorite class ]: Math
[ good student or rebel ]: Good Student
[ at lunch ]: with Kristina and Sissi
♢ also with the lyoko gang from time to timeLYOKO
[ how did they find out ]: Kristina told her
[ has been to Lyoko ]: no
♢ keeps the secretRELATIONSHIPS
[ aelita ]: Friends
[ jeremy ]: acquaintance
[ yumi ]: acquaintance
[ ulrich ]: acquaintance
[ odd ]: acquaintance
[ jim ]: teacher
[ XANA ]: enemy
[ william ]: enemy
[ sissi ]: Friends
[ others ]: Layla, Kristina, Ymir, Wilson, Kasey & Derek.EXTRA
♢ also helps Kristina out whenever she needs it.
♢ she's in the dorm with Aelita.
♢The link below is to the original Template that I used. I added and took away a few things tho.
@japandaaNot sure if the @ thing is gonna work cuz it's for deviantart.
Thanks for reading!