Nearly over

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The ground bridge opens revealing a commander, a wrecker injured and my sparkmate holding up the commander as he grunts in pain, Prime lays him down on the medical berth

Galaxy: "the predacon?" I theorised, Prime nods while Magnus rested on the medical berth examining his servo, I felt sorry for him I knew all too well what it was like to lose something important. Magnus sighs while Ratchet repaired him

Galaxy: "don't worry Mags, Ratchet here will take good care of yas" he sighs again in sadness

Wheeljack: "Magnus fought like a wrecker" I glance behind me then back to Magnus as he looked in great pain

Magnus: "Optimus, Prime. When we spoke earlier? What could be greater then an army?" I smile a little

Optimus: "a human concept, one I have learned since coming to earth" their arms wrap around me as I smile back at them

Prime: "family" the others gather round him, I smirk resting a fisted servo on my hips with our new recruit, Miko

Galaxy: "ya know the one thing the decepticons don't have?" I question him, he quirks a brow at me while they others listened in happiness

Galaxy: "they don't have love, love comes in many different shapes and sizes. Whether it may be; you're from a different planet, different skin colour or just different in general. Love and family is a force that should not be reckoned with." I pat his shoulder plates with a warm smile, pride struck into my spark coming from both of my Primes

Galaxy: "we'll leave you to rest while Ratchet fixes you up" he nods closing his optics, me and my bæ's head back to our ship spending time with our children as we haven't seen them for a while.

We came back the next day gathering round Magnus while Ratchet repaired his servo. I felt a huge wave of sickness in my tanks and quietly fled outside purging my tanks in a dark corner so no one could see

Galaxy: "oh dear" I whisper knowing all too well what this meant, I sigh feeling better now that I've purged my tanks.... gross! I headed back into the room gaining questionable looks from my doodas and I wave them off sending love over to them

Ratchet: "I've done everything I can considering the limitations of my equipment and less then ideal spare parts" ratchet moves to the side revealing his now hooked servo

Ratchet: "it remains uncertain if ultra Magnus new appendage will be fit for battle, though it should prove functioning after the reckless amount of therapy" Everyone listened to his every word, I sigh rubbing my optics feeling tired then usual

Galaxy: "he'll be fit for battle ratchie" he growls at the nickname and Prime steps in not wanting it to escalate any further

Prime: "that is all we can hope for old friend" Ratchet wasn't convinced though and I placed a servo on his shoulder to reassure him

Galaxy: "he'll pull through Ratch, ave a little faith" he huffs in defeat to my statement and gives me a small a very very small smile but I noticed

Galaxy: "oh and that reminds meh, could we do a scan on me when yas not busy?" He nods, I get questionable pokes and I gulp harshly with a nervous laugh as ratchet probably knew what was wrong with me accept for my darlings, I turn my body to them avoiding their gaze

Galaxy: "so? Beautiful weather huh?" Ratchet snorts in amusement behind me from my failed attempt to change the subject

Ratchet: "epic fail" he mutters under his breath, I was going to retort until I heard bee walking off angrily

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