chapter four

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These three should've come with a spoiler alert tag on them... anyways, sorry this is so short, I couldn't think of what to write for this...

It had been nearly two days since Damian, Jason, and Tim arrived in the past from the future and the heroes of the past still weren't quite sure what to make of them. They were still, surprisingly, under the truth spell from Zatara, which has led to quite a few...incidents.

For example, when Wally took the last piece of toast from Jason when they both reached for it, Jason accidently blurted out how he was glad he ceased to exist in a few years. That led to an uproar among the team and the brothers, everyone yelling about affecting the future, wanting to know more, etc.

Wally was so startled by his fate that he just handed the piece of toast to Jason silently, eyes wide.

"Man, I don't want the toast now, it has your nasty ass germs on it."

"Jason, take the damn toast, you just told the poor kid he is going to die in a few years." Tim snapped.

"Damn, okay." Jason took a bite of the toast, turning to the emotionally numb Wally  with a mouthful of bread. "Sorry about revealing your fate to you. Not cool on my part. But hey, on the bright side, from what I've been told it didn't seem painful."

"Not helping." Tim hissed.

"Kay, I'll just shut up and eat my toast in peace. Fine by me." Jason shrugged, taking another bite of his breakfast.

Wally, are you okay?

Dandy, I mean, I just learned that I will cease to exist in a few years from a guy that came from the future and is under a truth spell, so yeah, everything is peachy.

I...don't know how to comfort you. I'm sorry, Wally.

Tim looked over at the still shell shocked Wally and sighed. "Jason, you broke a perfectly good speedster. Look at it, you gave it anxiety!"

Jason shrugged. "At least his death is more graceful than being-"

"Beaten to death by a crowbar and blown up, we know." Damian snapped. "Do you ever shut up about your own demise? Are you asking to he taken out again?"

"Kinda, yeah. Being dead was-"

"'The only time you knew peace' we know!" Damian and Tim groaned before glaring at each other, breaking down into bickering over not talking at the same time as the other.

Dick, I can't believe these three are your future successors...

Me neither, I mean, what was Batman thinking?!

Who knows, but right now we need to help Wally? He is kind of broken?

Guys, really, I am fine. Who knows? I could come back like Jason did.

Want to ask?

...Not sure if I'm ready for that answer...

Fair enough.

The zeta tubes announced the arrival of Batman and Wonder Woman, drawing everyone's attention away from the bickering brothers and the pouting Wally.

I wonder what they want.

Only one way to find out.

I swear, that is so cliché I might barf.

Not on my new kicks!

Did you just...gross.

Shut up.

Anyways! Let's go see what these two want.

Should we let the other three know?

Nah, they'll get the hint once we all start moving.

So the team all collectively got up from their various positions and began to make their way towards the zeta tubes, only to realize halfway there they were missing three people from the future. Dick groaned, backtracking to gather them.

"Hello? We're moving, let's go!"

"You could've just said something." Jason mumbled, his two companions nodding in agreement.

Dick rolled his eyes. "Whatever, Batman and Wonder Woman are here."

The three brothers followed their oldest from the past, standing behind the team to see that Zatara had arrived with Zatanna as well. She took one look at the three from the future and sighed. "Dad, you do realize we can just send them back to their own time, right?"

Zatara flushed. "I was a bit preoccupied making sure you were okay to think about that solution, but very well. How would you like to go about this?"

"Combine our magic and create a portal to their time? What year are they from, anyways?" She asked, turning to face the three from the future as she finished her question. Tim supplied an answer, down to the day and hour to make sure they got back to right moment. Everyone's eyes widened when they heard the year but no one commented. Zatanna turned back to her father. "You ready?"

As the two magic users began to power up their spell, Dick turned to his future brothers. "It was really neat meeting you guys."

Jason snorted and Damian scoffed while Tim just smiled. "It was nice seeing you in your prime."

"In my prime? What the heck does that mean?"

Tim was about to answer when Zatanna and Zatara let out shocked gasps. "What? What is it?"

"The portal...its bringing people through."

Jason groaned. "Oh no, here we go."

A moment later a flash of blue and black went flying by the team and the Justice Leaguers and tackled the three brothers to the ground.

"If you three scare me like that again I swear I will revoke your cookie privileges'. I'll do it, I'm crazy."

A gruff voice spoke from behind the pile of limbs. "Nightwing, get off your brothers."

"No 'nice to see your not dead again' eh, B?"

"Hello, Hood."

"Hi Batman."

"Hello father."

Are they who I think they are?!

Yup...future Dick and Batman have arrived to the party.

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