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Kostas POV:

"And folks, how about you, do you already have someone you will spend Valentine's Day with?" My sister asked the group and nobody felt really addressed. "I .. I actually wanted to ask Mik" I stammered in response and suddenly all eyes were on me. "Mik? You mean the popular one? Listen Kostas, that shouldn't sound pejorative or anything, but he's really just too big for you,well he only goes out with people who have a certain number of friends anyway." I quickly shook my head before I leave the table "we'll see," I said, heading for my locker as I ran into someone and as a result the two of us landed on the floor. "Oh shit sorry, I didn't see you," I said quickly. "All right, It was my fault" said mine opposite and now I saw who I runned into, it was Mik. He straightened up first and gave me his hand, which I accepted with thanks. "Thanks and again sorry Mik" I stammered to myself. "No problem Kostas". He .. knew my name? What? Where from? He was a class above me and we never really had anything to do with each other, I looked at him a little confused,which he noticed and only replied, "I know the names of all the cute boys at school." I blushed and turned a little away from him. He just smiled at me and just wanted to keep walking "Well then, see you". "Um Mik? C-can I ask you something?" I stammered and he turned back to me "sure, what's up?" "Um, well, I was wondering if you .. maybe", but then my confidence left .. "Oh um, it doesn't matter," I said and went past him as quickly as I could, to my next class. For this I caught a confused look from him and felt his eyes on me all the time until I was out of his sight. Fuck. Now I have no chance, now he thinks I'm a confused little creep which I actually am. But omg he called me cute, MIK CALLED ME CUTE. Okay, very come down, you still have to get through the last two hours, then you can freak out.

The next day I came to school a little bit late and hurried accordingly, so I ran into someone,again and guess what, it was Mik ... again. This time, however, we were not sitting on the floor just standing there laughing and I could feel that I was blushing. "Again, that must be fate, that we almost always run into each other" is it? Is it fate? The universe wants to give me a second chance to ask him. To be honest, I regretted not asking him yesterday that I could have hit myself. "Right, Well Mik, uhm,I wanted to ask you something" but then the doorbell rang and I had German ... Well, the teacher always comes on time. "Fuck, I'm sorry, I have to go to German lesson" and before he could say anything I was already gone. Man, now you've screwed it up, Valentine's Day is Friday and it's Wednesday. Please universe, give me another chance, let me almost crash into him again so I can ask him, at least that, even if he says no. The day passed pretty uneventfully and I only saw Mik during the break, with his friends, but I definitely won't ask him about it, I mean, I thought I would be able to get dumped but in front of all his friends? No thanks. He is also much nicer anyway if you meet him alone. Yes, maybe I've watched him more often over time, but hey, leave me alone.The next day I saw Mik only with his friends, no further clash with him, nothing. Wow thanks universe, I know I screwed it up but one chance more wouldn't have been too much. I was just running out of the school building and wrote to my sister that she was right, Mik was maybe really just too big for me, but before I could send it I heard someone say "Caution". I looked up and looked into brown eyes, I jumped back and when I realized who those eyes belonged to, I almost jumped back even more. "Did I scare you?" He laughed a little and I just nodded and probably blushed a little. "Are you going home?" Again I just nodded. "Then I'll go with you," he said, walking, strangely, in the right direction. We walked silently side by side until Mik started a conversation "You wanted to ask me something yesterday?" he said and looked at me. "Well, actually ..." I took a deep breath, this is the chance you were waiting for Kostas,don't screw it up again.

"Actually I just wanted to ask if you already have a Valentine's Day date but well it's probably too late now anyway and I don't know, we don know each other actually and it was an stupid idea to ask you" I rattled off until he started to laugh. Was he just laughing at me? I looked at him in horror. "Next time you should just ask kostas, that would be a lot easier. I haven't had one yet but that has apparently changed now, what would you like to do?"

I stopped a little shocked to process what he had just said, which made him laugh even more .. "um .. what you want" I replied embarrassed and he only said "okay then give me your number and I'll let you know when and where we meet "I nodded and gave him my number, then he said goodbye to me with a hug and I deleted the message I had to my sister.

Instead, I wrote "I have a date with Mik, you were wrong😝" and went home with a grin on my face

Be my Valentine👬❤|Kostory OneShotWhere stories live. Discover now