This is corny but I wrote it with the help of a friend.
The best advice you could ever give is "Breathe" You can't simply tell someone it'll get better and it'll be okay. When did that ever help anyone. Honestly, no one ever knows if it'll be "okay", the truth is, it's never "okay." but it seems like we were "programed" to say things like that, like we're robots. We do the same things over and over again. Each and every day it's the same thing. It seems like those who try to be different are punished. It also seems like stuff like "rebelling" or being "different." It's becoming a "trend" everyone wants to do it. Once I was scrolling through Instagram and I found an LGBTQ post, the post had a picture of two gay people and it said "I'm not a trend." Exactly, being gay isn't a trend, having a sickness isn't a trend, having a different race isn't a trend but, being the robots we are, we think of everything as a trend. Always wanting to be like someone else. Always wanting to be "pretty" or "funny." There is so much more to life than that. The people that do go and attempt to live are the "soldiers." The Soldiers think about the important things, they help people, or attempt to. Jumping back to earlier, yes, life will be tough, yes it'll get hard. No it won't be okay. Yes, things will get better, it just takes time. This is the truth, and I do not lie. But, if you just take a second to breath and relax, take a break from everything, you'll slowly find yourself feeling better. Life may be hell but, you can get through it.