let's go together.

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Kyle POV
I heard my phone go off in my pocket. Clyde had just tweeted the information to Token's party. I smile and think to Myself 'maybe... I should ask Stan to go with me...' I look up from my phone and there he was, down the hall. I make my way over to him. "Hey dude! So.. I was thinking... And I wanted to ask if you wa--" I was cut off by non other than Stan's girlfriend, Wendy Testaburger.
    "Hey baby, you wanna go to that party Token's hosting this weekend with me?" I felt my heart sink to my stomach as she said that.
    "Sure!" Stan replied with a smile. Wendy smiled back at him and walked away. "So what were you going to say?" He looked back at me.
    "Oh... Uh... I-it doesn't matter anymore... I-I have to go." I scurried off into the bathrooms. I locked myself into one of the stalls and curled up into a ball, trying not to cry. I heard someone enter, but I could care less.. I like Stan, A lot... No- I love him... But obviously I stand no chance with him so... All I can really do is fantasize... Suddenly, someone knocked on the stall door softly.
    "U-uh, K-Kyle? You i-in there?" It was Tweek.
    "Uh- yeah." I heard him sigh through the other side of the door. Tweek and I have been getting kinda close lately, he's one of the only few people that know I'm gay, mostly because he is too and it's easy to talk to him about stuff like this.
    "Is it Stan again?"
    "Yeah..." I reply
    "Aren't you gonna ask him to the party?" I pause for a moment.
    "Yeah, but Wendy got to him first..."
    "Oh... I-I'm sorry... Well uh... Are you still gonna go?" He pressed his back against the door.
    "Nah... I don't really wanna go anymore..." I say with a sad tone.
    "W-well... Maybe you should go with someone else o-or do sometimes to make him GAH jealous?" He suggested.
    "That... Doesn't sound like a bad idea..." I smile, just a little bit. The thought of Stan being jealousy of someone else because they 'have me' really just- brought up my mood. "Thanks, Tweek."
    "N-No problem." I heard him leave the bathroom.

tImE sKip - 2nd lunch
Alright... Now I just need to find someone to go with... I look around the lunch room to try and find someone to go with. Then I remember Kenny telling me he liked butters... He always flirts with him but never actually had the guts to ask him out. Maybe I could ask him to go so we could make both Stan and Butters jealous. "Hey uh- Kenny?"
    "Yeah?" He looked at me curiously.
    "Uh.. I need to tell you something could you uh.. follow me?" I noticed Butters glaring at me. I really I hope he didn't ask Kenny already...

"What is it?" He asked
    "Have you asked anyone to the party yet? Y'know- the one at Token's this Saturday?"
    "Uh- no.. but Kyle you know I like b-" I cut him off.
    "I'm not into you- I have a plan to get us with who we want." I explain my plan to him (cus I'm lazy ahaha)
    "Uh... But like- what if he likes me now but doesn't want to be with me because he thinks I like you?"
    "With the glare he gave me back there, I don't think so." I smiled at him.
    "Alright so- should we go in there like- holding hands or something?"
    "Maybe yeah." I say as he grabs my hand and fakes a smile
    "If this doesn't work, I'm gonna kill you." I laugh a little bit as we walk back in. The attention of our group was on us. I glanced over to Stan who was clearly confused. Maybe this'll work... I hope it does..

Yo sorry this was so long- I was gonna make it shorter but there's no way to do that with out missing key parts so uh- sorry not sorry fam

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