Chapter One: The Thief

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   Beyond the crumbled ruins of the once forgotten city, past a newly constructed ranch, sat a tall gruff man covered in long luxurious linen. A spear lay beside him as he stared over his village. For years Mr. Puke had been away from his home, after the extermination of his people he felt lost. At a young age he was all alone traveling the countryside. However by chance he met Takaya and Kyaan Thra in a Tavern. They spent many years adventuring together, but during one of their quests the antiheroes found their way back to Puke's home. However when they had gotten there it had been over run by a vicious Jarl, they made slaves of the Drow that resided there. So Mr. Puke, Takaya, Kyaan Thra, and Leila fought together to take back the city. Over the last few weeks they were working on rebuilding what could only be seen as rubble. Finding ways to keep the Drow happy, and bringing life to the Silent City. Puke thought about all of this as he watched his people work for a better future.

"Hey Puke!" A hissing voice startled the man.

"Y' can call me Jarl." Puke replied not giving attention to the man.

   The handsome red Tiefling joined the Jarls side resting upon the grassy hill top. He took a deep breath of air before sighing heavily.

"I love the smell of disemboweled corpses." He joked pointing out the Drow still burying their people from the war.

"Why ya here thief?" Puke got to the point.

"Awe Mr. Puke." Leila flicked his tail playfully. "I thought we were finally getting closer." He placed a hand onto Puke's back.

   The druid removed the thieves hand staring at him sternly. "Donchya lie, ya want ma gold."

   Leila smirked rolling his eyes. "Don't be rediculous, once that moon sugar has grown, it is my own pockets I'll be watching." He reminded.

"Yes well, for the city." Puke grumbled.

"Look Jarl, I have a proposition for you." Leila stared at Pukes hideous face intently. "We are both men who have done naughty things to get to where we are. Why not combine our powers to reach full...... Potential."

"Like a trade?" Puke asked. "Money for power. That it?"

"Hmm." Leila reached his long slender crimson digets out to hold Pukes rugged cheak. He played with his matted beard brushing it gently. "I was thinking." His face grew closer. "Something a little more..... Personal."

   Pukes face curled as he pushed the demon away. "You've gone too far Tiefling." He snapped but could not hide the red hue growing over his torn cheaks. "You run along now ya hear?" He snapped. "Or I'll have Brie come getcha."

   A long toothy grin crossed the Tieflings lips. He slowly stood up turning to face the man.

"Sooner or later you'll see that I have a lot to offer." He stepped back. "Till then I'll be in my farm." He winked before silently whisping away.

   The Jarl bit his lip aggressively. Though he would never admit it he knew the Tiefling had a lot of potential for a trading partner. He was a part of the thieves guild and had many bad people on his side. But to be with Leila, in a way that he had never expected to be with a man? It was too much to fathom. Though something of the thought did send a tingle of excitement down his spine. He looked to where Leila had treaded off and turned to leave the other way.


    Later that night Puke lay fast asleep in the Jarls quarters. His dreams were not sound nor were they safe, and neither was he. Beyond the door of his room sat a set of stairs that someone was looming in. The creature climbed the steps, not making a single sound as he went. The figure got to the top and the light of a single tableside candle revealed the smooth red skin of the Tiefling Leila wearing the same toothy grin from earlier that day.

   Puke tossed and turned as fire burned through his dreams. He called out waking suddenly in a heavy sweat. He tried to catch his breath as he realized where he was. He finally calmed down until he felt what he thought was a snake slithering in the covers. He yelped jumping out of bed. Unfortunately he got caught in the covers sending him tumbling to the floor. He looked up to see the glowing eyes of the crimson man before him. His skin completely revealed in the dim candle light.

"Hello Jarl." He said with a coy laugh.

"You!" Puke called. "What the hell are ya doin in ma bed?!" He demanded.

   Leila spread over the sheets stretching out to reveal his mostly nude body.

"You know me, I'm just looking to spread out." Leila rolled over to look at the distraught man. "I want to get use to this bed since it seems we'll be spending a lot of time together." He chuckled.

"Now you look here!" Puke unraveled himself from the sheets. "We ain't gettin close and there ain't no way yer stayin in here." He pointed to the door.

   Leila slipped down the smooth blankets crouching over Mr. Puke.

"Now, now Mr. Jarl Puke. All this stress is bad for your blood pressure." He teased.

"Blood pressure? I'm 19 years old ya know." He growled.

"Oh, right." Leila tried not to gag. "Your teens didn't do you any good." He looked away.

"Get out before I kick ya." The Jarl demanded.

    Leila's face grew pouty as he stood up crossing his arms. "You're no fun." He said. "Come get me when you're less boring." He finished as he left the room leaving Puke alone and thinking about putting a lock on the door.

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