Chapter Three: The Bard

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   Puke could hear the faint sound of a Lute as he dragged Kyle through the forest back to the Silent City. They finally escaped the woods to see a bard with sunkissed skin, and long black hair playing his instrument as he sat atop the ruins of the Drows home.

"Hey!" Puke called out. "Come here woman!"

   The bard looked up from his Lute smiling softly. "I'm a dude." He said before his face dropped. "Kyle!" He called out running to their aid.

   He came in behind Kyle checking his wound before tearing a piece of cloth from his cloak. He tied it around Kyle's torso stopping what blood he could.

"What happened?" He asked taking Kyles other arm. "We have to get him to the Alchemist!"

"Obviously ya dolt." Puke grumbled at the bard.

   They helped Kyle back to the Alchemists shop kicking open the door. The Alchemist turned around placing a hand on her chest in surprise.

"Well you sure took your ti- Kyle!" She cut herself off. "I gave you two one simple task!" She lead them to the bed.

"I told ya, he ain't strong enough." Puke reminded as they put Kyle down onto the bed.

"What happened?" The Alchemist demanded.

"Bear got em." Puke crossed his arms.

   Kyaan stood close enough to Puke that the druid felt the elf shutter at the thought of the bear.

"Will he be ok Mrs. Alchemist." The bard worried.

   The woman rolled her eyes looking under the cloth. "He'll be fine. Now both of you please leave." She sighed.

   Puke and Kyaan said nothing as they left the Alchemist's quarters. Kyaan stood still thinking about the bear and Kyle as he watched Puke begin to leave back to the Jarl's house.

"Hey Puke!" Kyaan called out running after him.

"Y' can call me Jarl." Puke dismissed the bard.

"Wait." Kyaan grabbed his wrist. "Why didn't you come ask one of us to go with you. Why would you put Kyle in danger?" He asked but more out of worry than anger.

"I do what I want." Puke said but he did not take his arm out of Kyaan's grasp.

   The wood elf looked down breathing gently. "You know Kyle's important to me." He said.

"I know." The Jarl nodded.

   Kyaan looked up, his golden eyes glittering in the shade of the falling sun. "And so are you." He smiled. "So please, next time you leave, dont go alone Jarl."

   Kyaan let go of his wrist slowly begining to return down the path. Puke wanted to tell the annoying musician off but instead he said something that even amazed him.

"Bard." He called. "I need a sleep spell t'night. Can ya give me a hand?"

   Kyaan raised a brow at the male a little taken back by the request. "Sure." He agreed. "I'll come back tonight."


   Later that night the Jarl set up somethings he thought might put him at ease for the night. He burned incense, lit a few small candles, and had a Drow fetch him fresh linens. He crawled himself into bed almost forgetting that he had invited the Bard to play his sleep spell. He was surprised when there was a knock at the door.

"Mr. Puke, it's me." Kyaan said from the other side.

"Ya, ya. Come in yah fool." He sat up

   Kyaan opened the door slowly stepping in to see Puke in bed.

"Hey Puke." He said bringing in his twin pan flute. "Are you ready to fall asleep?" He chuckled.

"Just hurry up." He became annoyed.

   Kyaan quickly closed the door grabbing a stool before sitting at his bed side. He pulled out the flute and said nothing as he began to play. The soft notes of the instrument bounced off the walls of the softly lit the room. Puke closed his eyes feeling the almost healing tones put him to rest. He let out one final sigh before falling into a deep sleep. Kyaan stopped playing his flute looking over at his Jarl.

   He sighed softly looking down at the instrument. He had heard from Leila that some people seaked Pukes power. He had even admitted that he wanted to take Puke for himself. Kyaan could see the appeal for wealth, but it was never what he aspired to. If anything was to be admired of Puke, it was his loyalty. Though he sometimes seemed selfish, he always had his friends backs. He also admired his calm outlook. The rest of their companions were brash, and short tempered.

   Kyaan stood up blowing out the candles before he left the dark room. "Goodnight Puke." He whispered closing the door. He looked down the stairs and decided to sit on the steps, just incase someone came to wake Puke up.


   The next day Puke awoke feeling completely rested. He got out of bed stretching his arms up into the air. He walked over to his closet getting dressed feeling more energized then he had in months. He walked to the door trying to open it only to find something heavy keeping him in.

"Oi." He pushed the door again and slipped through the crack. When he escaped he turned around to see what was blocking the room. "Hey, lady." He kicked the person behind it.

"Hmm I'm a dude." Kyaan woke up.

"What are you doin?" Puke raised a brow.

"Hmm?" Kyaan looked up curiously. "I wanted to make sure that Leila didn't try and wake you up."

"How did you know bout that?" Puke crossed his arms.

"He told me." Kyaan stood up brushing himself off. "He also told me he's not the only one after you." He went on.

"Dont know what you're sayin?" The druid began to walk down the stairs.

"Puke!" Kyaan went after him. "You've gotta listen. You're the Jarl now, everyone wants you for your money, your power!"

   Puke turned around startling Kyaan. "And you?"

"I-" Kyaan paused. "I just want to play my music...." He sighed.

"Then do that." Puke grumbled.

"But I'm worried!"

"Well stop." The Jarl continued to walk down the stairs. "Take care of yourself."

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