Mall meet?!

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Americas POV
I was walking down through town, I saw a big mall so I decided to waste some money! Yes, I waste A LOT of money every time I go shopping. I'm just easily attached to money and the mall, I was going into the mall, I kept on walking while watching my phone, while- OOF! "Ouch! What the hell man!"
China's POV
I was walking until! I got pushed through everybody walking, France pushed me into a random guy,I was mad "The fuck is your problem." I exclaimed. He was arguing at me and saying it was my fault. "Wait China! What the hell are you doing here?" America finally noticed, "America you finally noticed it was me?! And I'm only here because Japan forced me to grab her a stupid anime mini figure." I said "Oh, Mk, also next time watch were you're going BUDDY." America boasted, I angrily stared at America and walked away sighing going to get my sisters stupid stuff.
America POV
I still can't believe I ran into China, "finally I can go to the new boba shop, that just opened!" I said happily running away, I saw the shop and opened the shop's door and saw the black board with the most rarest boba I've seen. I got the green tea boba right when I was about to sit down I saw China come into the boba shop also, my mouth dropped, OMG! China is here. I thought I should sit next to him when he finds a spot. I saw him get a small mango pudding and he also got a green tea boba too! I saw him sit down near the biggest window he was getting out his book from his side bag. I sat down next to him, "hey bud!" I said, he did a big sigh "what do you want and also what the hell are YOU doing here sitting next to me?" He hissed. "Nothing just came here to annoy you!~" I said cheerfully "ugh, whatever." China sighed, he continued to read again, "ugh you're so boring Chi!" I pleaded. "I have told you many times America not to call me that." "Whatever!"

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