Mall meet [No.2]

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China's POV
Ugh, America is so annoying... Can he actually shut up for once? As America was STILL talking I ignored him and saw I got a text message from Japan, it said were having a movie night! What the..., America shouted my name " China are you listening?!" "No." I said looking at him for a second and looking at my phone. She also said in the text message that Germany and Russia, England, Ukraine, France, and America are coming too. I sighed.. now I have to bring THAT back home I said in my mind looking back at America. "America.." I said sighing "Yes!" America yelled "c'mon let's go to my house, we're having a movie night... and you coming..ugh..." I said mumbling. "Really! Omg yay! He had put on his red hoodie and  we both had walked to the car. We got home and Japan had greeted so did everybody else. "Oooh! Are y'all dating?" Japan said whistling and so I said back angrily "Shut Up! And no..." "awww! Your mad!" America said bubbly, "let's just start this movie!" Russia had said while he took a drink out of his vodka bottle. Japan had started the movie, I saw Russia hugged Germany while them two in a blanket, so did same France and England. Japan and Ukraine  both having there own little blankets on their own.  And  America had huddled up next to me he'd snuggled and hugged me while putting the blanket over my head, I looked annoyed at America "aww don't look at me like that ya big baby!" He'd say in a baby voice. I had put the palm of my hand in his face and look away, he bit my finger "never mess with me! Heheh.." he said while slowly falling asleep. He'd landed on my shoulder. I also went to sleep with my head on his. Japan had blushed hard "aww my two baby bois are gay, they are so cute!" She said slightly loud. England bursted "le tea.~"

Americas POV
It had been the morning I woke up to me and China both on the floor next to each other, I blushed, then moved away from his head "wake up lazy!" I had yelled at China. "Shut up! I'm awake geez.." he'd rubbed his eyes. I saw China walk into the kitchen, and grabbed the cups from the high self, I went and hugged him by his waist, "ooo watch a getting..?~" I sparked, China blushed a little bit, and grabbed all the cups for honey tea. I saw him may the tea very fast, "your very good at making drinks!" "I know.." he yawned , he put the cups down on the table and woke everybody up, I had sat down at one of the chairs waiting for everybody else. They had all woken up and they did sit down too. China sat next to me! While everybody else was talking I went back in the kitchen to grab the sugar cubes. I put like 20 sugar cubes in my tea, China looked at me with a weird face "America you know that's gonna be really sweet..?" He said kinda confused, "oh, I know! That makes it even better." I said happily smiling. China sighed, Japan had bursted out " y'all are a cute couple!" "Us?!" China and I had both said at the same time, everybody laughed saying "y'all should be a couple!"

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