Pool party [No. 3]

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Americas POV
Since Japan let us stay the night I noticed that she  had a pool in her backyard, I asked her if I can go in the pool, of course she said yes, well I forced her to say yes, well uh I pointed a gun at her head, yeah let's not talk about that...so I took off my T-shirt and I took a dip in the pool and noticed it was freezing cold! I screamed "AAAAHHH COLD!!", everybody else heard me, I kinda look embarrassed "Hey look a pool!" France exclaimed  "like you didn't notice" China said, "shush! " France bursted in a accent."let's take a dive into the pool lads!" England replied. Everybody else expect me finished eating/ drinking and talking, they all went In the water some with there full clothes on and some with there shirts off, which was fun! We all splashed and talked and started doing races, BUT of course China was doing something boring, like always he was reading some
Stupid book! And guess what I did! I shot the book, like with all the other 200 I've done with! I giggled "Ugh, again America!" He angrily said, "let's play with the others c'monnnn!!!!" I shouted, "fine but only this TIME!" He replies. I giggled even more, this will be fun. I splashed china with a tsunami of water, he looked furious  at me, I laughed even more, when I blinked that's when he shot me with twice the size of water I shot him with, "HEY! DUDE the hell!" I yelled, "heh, it's all apart of the game...isn't it..?" He smirked. Wow I knew what had to be done.. I screamed "CIVIL WAAARR!!!" He looked at me like bruh, I laughed as chaotic I was and can be! Then I took out the big guns and shot China with huge nerf water guns, heh..he never knew about my secret weapon!

China's POV
When I got shot by the big water guns, I busted in flames and dunked America's head in water, while everybody watched us and cheered, what 'great' friends I say. America still had water in his eyes, he tried blinking a lot to get the water out of his eyes but before he could, I put him on my shoulders and threw him off in the kinda middle end of the pool. I smirked "never mess with me ame..." I laughed, "Not this time Chi! I'll take your supply of tea from you for this!" He shouted back, I slowly looked back at him with a dark face, "NANI?!" I yelled. "Hehe... never try to over top me!" He answers back to me, while Japan was filming this and everybody watched I ran inside all wet and getting the floor and carpets wet, I quickly grabbed all my tea and hid it in my room away from America, America came to look after me, while I was still upstairs storing my tea, I hear America's foots steps coming closer and closer by the second, he creaked the door open while saying "oh Chi where could you be?~" I was hiding in my closet, and everybody who was also in the pool came to see what was happening they all
Rushed upstairs , and while they where running upstairs something from my closet fell from the top and I almost yelled "no" but let pass  by me almost bursting out in anger, I saw him in my room and he turned where I was hiding in...then...,

To be continued!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2020 ⏰

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