Chapter 4

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Mother Natures point of view:

I looked at Shreketta, who was looking at the window with amazement in her eyes.

Suddenly there was a big crash and in flew the holy monk and her sidekick (holly Buddha). They both held a present in there hands.

"Where is this hold child we hear of?" Asked the holly Buddha.

I point at Dequan. Buddha and Monk walk up to Deuqan and hand him the presents.

"I give you the gift of pleasure," said Buddha.

"I give you the gift of giving presents under the name Santa Clause when on duty," said Monk.

"He needs a beard!" Demanded Buddha.

Monk pulled out her phone and called up Fairy Godmother.

Soon, Fairy Godmother came flying in. She went up to Dequan and waved her magic wand.

Suddenly Dequan grew a long, white beard. He stroked it.

Fairy Godmother flew away to go to the toilet. She didn't say anything and everyone was puzzled.

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