Chapter 1

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Her vision was blurry. The pain was rushing through her body, she was fading in and out of consciousness. All she knew was how fast everything around her was moving. Voices..? Yes voices there were others around her, they were pushing her, although she couldn't move. The people around her were whispering but you could still hear the shakiness in their voices, the tremors in from their bodies. Why were they so frantic? Get it together she told herself. Pain...pain is coming quickly. Am I dying? Is... Is this how my story ends with no relation of what's happening around me? Is this... As she keeps fading in and out of consciousness.

She still carries the voices that are alarmingly around her. "Sir, you shouldn't be here you need the medic-unit." "WHERE IS SHE?" He sounds so scared. "Where is she?" The voice was more angered this time. "Here! Julian she's here." "Addie is she...?" "Alive? Barely, we got her stable for now; but we need to send her now if she this is going to work." He couldn't stop looking at her tears filling his eyes as he looking at her lifelessly lying on the gurney. "Julian do you hear me? If you want us to have any hope that this will work you've got to push this issue now before we get hit again. This time neither of us will be able to protect you." "I did this. This is my fault. I should be in her place... how could we let this happen?" He chokes out.

"Julian we were betrayed, we couldn't see this coming. Sir, she saved your life; now put her in that pod and save hers." "How do I do that?" Julian asks while tears rolling down his cheek faster than they are coming out. "How do I let her go without me? Or even you? We had plans, so many plans." The room went silent as the emotional pain filled the room. "Do it inject her. Send her before we regroup. Contact Ben fill him in on what's going on. This mission is to be kept quiet. Addie send her clean no chips, no monitors if she has any chance at all down there she needs to go in blind."

"Yes sir." He walked towards the bed. She looked up at him reaching out and touched his face. " You're alright" She stated happily. Julian smiled looking down cupping her hand that is cupping his cheek. "I'm alright." "Let me up! There's much to do I have to go find the box." "No. No love you need to lay right here you're hit." "I'm fine." She lied she was in pain but there was no time for that now. "No, you're not; but you will be. I need you to know how sorry I am and how thankful I am to have the honor of having you in my life. No one could have asked for a better best friend."

"Jules. What are you doing?" She asked with fearful knowing eyes. She was starting to fade darkness was starting to surround her. "Ouch!" She felt something sharp stab the back of her neck, it burned. He leaned down as the serum took its course her eyes closing. " I love you. Please don't forget me. I'll see you soon." He kissed her forehead; he go up and grew angry leaving the room. " I'll see you sooner than he will my friend." Addie told her as she set up the escape pod coronates with the self-destructing timer.

"Jared let's go code green is go." "Copy that." She heard back. "Jared..." " I know Addie this didn't happen ad Addie?" Jared asked. "Ya?" "I miss her already too." Addie's eyes teared up starting to finally let go as she headed back to her cabin and wait to be held captive. She was ready. She was waiting. "Somebody wanna tell me what the hell's going on?" Julian roared as he entered the room of the council chambers. " Were doing everything we can sir." A random voice calls out to answer him back.

"Conner what was that?" " It was a rebel attack sir. We have the man in custody. He's twenty-seven-year-old Eric Alderman. He set the bomb, had the gun and the bomb blew twice the gun found only had one bullet which is odd for a guardsman no? Mr. Alderman occupation is guardsmen of pod transportation quadrant of the fourth level. He was caught minutes after the second explosion we believe he had help." "Of course he had help his take down was too easy, he obviously wanted to be captured." Julian said as he looked up at the video of the take down.

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