1. Corbyn (REQUEST) :: That Night I Put My Youth In A Casket

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Requested by @jorbynmesson

Eurie: First chapter in this book. How exciting. Sorry it took so long.
There will be attempted rape mentioned in this one shot as well as panic attacks as a result. I'll put a warning where the attempted rape scenes are. If you find just the mention of the topic extremely triggering, I think this might be a fic to skip. I wanted to make a statement because people seem to forget men can be the victims and women can be the ones doing it. As a society, we have a habit of blowing off when a men gets assaulted and it's not right.
I know Tyler Seavey isn't the tour manager anymore. But it fit the story better if he was so deal with it :)

"A toast to our first gold single!" Jack said, lifting a glass. The four other boys raised theirs to meet his and let out hollers of excitement. They were all buzzing, adrenaline from their success flooding through each boy's veins.

"A toast to us. We did it, boys." After speaking, Jonah pressed the shot glass to his lips and swung his head back. Choosing to celebrate in London was a bit of a sneaky plan Daniel had thought up that way the five bandmates could enter a bar and do some drinking legally. They were all over the legal drinking age in England. Back home, either Jonah would've had to party by himself in a club or they'd crack open a bottle in the tour bus and neither of those options have the same effect.

Drinks were downed and the dancing begun as the alcohol reached their brains and made everyone giddy. Corbyn's personality was intensified by his drunken state and both Jonah and a Daniel fed off his excitement and energy. Zach and Jack had managed to convince the source of music to play "Talk" and the lyrics, though a bit slurred, were coming out of their mouths at a high volume.

Corbyn's empty glass mocked him and he felt the need to have it be filled, so he made his way to the bar. As he was approaching, a girl with platinum blonde hair came into his line of sight with drinks in hand. "Hi, excuse me Corbyn? I don't mean to bother you. It's just I'm a really big fan. And I wanted to say hi... which I already did just now."

"Really? That's awesome! What's your name?" Corbyn said with a smile.

"My name's Li- Lauren. Lauren. Anyway, I just wanted to say congratulations on your album being so successful. It's on repeat for me constantly." The girl seemed a little nervous as she looked down at the glass in her right hand. Corbyn was used to it. Many of his fans got shy. "I bought two drinks, one for you, hoping maybe we could cheers."

Corbyn smiled at the offer. "I'm down, Lauren. How about we cheers to the incredible support fans like you have given me." A grin broke out on the girls face, a peachy pink tinting her cheeks, and the two collided glasses before tilting their heads back and downing the shots.

A bit of time passed and Corbyn found it increasingly difficult to differentiate the vocals of whatever song was blasting at the moment with the bass of the song. His eyelids were also growing heavier as time passed. He lit up the screen of his phone, his eyes taking a moment to focus enough to read the numbers, and found that it read only eleven at night. There was no reason for someone only twenty to call it a night that early when he's celebrating once of the biggest moments of his career.

That girl who'd bought a drink for Corbyn, her name lost in the midst of his fogged up mind, approached him, once more. "Corbyn, hey. It's Lauren. I spoke to you earlier- you don't look so good." All she got in response was something mumbled along the lines of him being tired.

"Do you want to lie down? I know this place really well and the staff here. There are rooms in the back." The offer of letting him take a nap was too good to pass up so Corbyn accepted and followed her to the back of the club, her hand guiding him through the sea of people.

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