4. Corbyn :: I Guess I'm Special

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Eurie: I'm a really big Star Wars nerd and I am obsessed with the Clone Wars so here ya go. To be honest, there's no good reason for this to exist  But it does because I'm a loser. If you haven't watched the Star Wars the Clone Wars tv series this is gonna be really confusing. Sorry! If you aren't a Star Wars fan but you for some reason still wanna read this, look up the summary for the Star Wars the clone wars episodes 3.21 "padawan lost" and 3.22 "wookiee hunt". This whole story is kinda a mess. But so am I so it's fine. Everything is fine.

Corbyn had excused himself from the conversation to take a call from his girlfriend, which he did outside of the club they were in. Hearing her beautiful voice would be impossible over the music playing and the desperate attempts by people in a drunken state to sing.

The alleyway was dim due to the night sky and there wasn't a person in sight, Corbyn thought. Something felt off in the back of his mind. But he wasn't able to think more of it because the stun net was shot out by the Trandoshan and he was met with darkness.

When Corbyn came to, the hovercraft he was hostage aboard had made it to Wasskah. The inside was dimly lit and as his eyes adjusted to the lack of light, he realized he was not only in an unfamiliar setting. But in a cage as well.

"Hey, what is this place?" A female voice echoed from a cage to the left of his own. She wanted to know who the pirates were. They were a species Corbyn had never heard of and learning he would be hunted for sport made his stomach drop. He was being thrown head first into a new story he knows nothing of.

"Hey, kid, where are you from?" Nothing about the trembling blonde boy seemed familiar. Ahsoka had been all over and yet everything about the way he dressed was foreign to her. His answer of Texas was too vague and unknown so she specified, asking him what planet. Earth? She'd never heard of it. She asked what solar system he was from. When he replied with a confused look and "just the Solar System," she was debating finding a rock to throw at him. The only thing stopping her was her ability to sense he is genuinely clueless. "Okay, well what galaxy?"

"The Milkey Way... why?" Ahsoka's eyes widened. There was no way. That galaxy was completely destroyed in the first Jedi war. Practically every planet was a waste land and any inhabitants were evacuated. Was there really a planet the Jedi had missed? This boy is from a planet completely cut off from the rest of space. No wonder he looked completely lost at everything that was being said. Further more, she sensed something about him and if she was right, it would explain why the Order never came for him.

"Stick with me. Okay? I'll get us out of here." One thing Anakin has taught his Padawan is not only to save who you can, but also to protect your fellow men. If her senses were right, and they usually were, Corbyn was strong with the force and that meant it was her responsibility to look out for the older boy.

Except running for your life and keeping track of someone who is basically a youngling in terms of understanding of literally everything is much harder than it seems. She was always a bit cocky in those regards.

Corbyn hit the ground and just ran for his life, avoiding the red beams that seemed deadly. He didn't know where to go. Granted he didn't even know what planet he was on. He figured his best bet was to find shelter, preferably on higher ground that way he could get a sense of his environment. He ended up finding a tree... thing to climb up after realizing they were practically all connected. He's always had incredible balance. That's why dancing came so naturally to him compared to Zach, who kind of fumbled his way through body rolls.

Ahsoka and three other characters he'd yet to meet found him, hiding in a tree. She'd convinced Kalifa to rescue him as well and she begrudgingly agreed to. Almost gave the boy a heart attack when they snuck up behind him. That reminded Ahsoka he may have the potential to be a great Jedi. But he has yet to only scratch the surface.

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