Virgil woke up to someone knocking on his door.

"Hey, Kiddo, are you up? I made breakfast!"

Virgil groaned in response.

"If you don't come out, I will drag you to the kitchen!" Virgil was about to sit up when his door opened. Patton walked in, then stopped short, awestruck. Virgil was confused for a moment, then realized with a start that his wings were exposed!

His breathing quickened and he started shaking. They'll think I'm a freak, a monster. They'll hate me more than they do already. His thoughts rambled on. It was a second before he realized Patton's arms were around him.

"Kiddo, are you okay?" Virgil shook his head.

"How about I get Logan, he'll know what to do." Virgil started shaking his head vigorously, but Patton didn't notice. He had gone to get Logan already.

Left alone with his thoughts, Virgil's panic heightened. Patton alone knowing might have been fine. Logan will think I'm a beast, a freak of nature.

Patton walked back in with Logan, who immediately crouched by Virgil.

"Virgil, can you hear me?" Virgil nodded.

"Good. Follow my instructions. Breath in for four seconds." Virgil took a shaky breath.

"Hold your breath for seven seconds." He held his breath.

"Now breath out for eight seconds." He breathed out slowly. Logan repeated this until Virgil had calmed down. It was only now that Logan noticed Virgil's wings. He stared at them in shock, eyes open wide.

Virgil had thought Logan would hate him, but there was only curiosity in his eyes.

"How...?" Logan could barely speak.

"Don't ask me, I had them since I appeared." Logan went into a thoughtful silence.

"Hey, Kiddo? Do you want some breakfast now?"


Patton and Logan turned around to leave.

"Wait, one more thing." The pair turned around.

"What is it, Kiddo?"

"It's just... can you not tell Roman?"

"Sure thing, Kiddo!" The two Sides left Virgil's room.

Virgil sighed and flopped backwards onto his bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2020 ⏰

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