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"You seem very happy."

Minho perks up from the newspaper issue, smiling wide at the short man sitting on the couch in the corner of his room, shaking his head before glancing away with another smile.

"Of course I am!" Minho exclaims. "Don't you want your beloved publisher happy?"

"No," Changbin deadpans, returning to his laptop before shaking his head. "It's weird."

"Chill, I just have a really good feeling about this issue you know?" Minho hums. "Don't want to speak too soon but the stories so far have been nothing but smooth-sailing."

"Uhuh- and the photos?" Changbin questions, typing something in before he swings a leg onto the couch.

"Yah, get your dirty feet off that, I just had it cleaned," Minho scolds, Changbin scoffing. "But the photos haven't been turned in yet. I'm expecting them all to pile up around afternoon."

"I feel like the issue isn't anything special."

"Not yet, no," Minho brightens, standing up and stretching his arms above his head in a small hum. "Are you done over there by the way?"

"Almost. I just need to edit the layout of the second page again. The staff during the meeting earlier didn't like it," Changbin mutters, glancing up at Minho past his bangs.

"Oh really?" Minho sighs, glancing out the window. "I didn't go."

"I noticed."

"I feel like I should go to the newsroom today."


"Why not?" Minho questions, furrowing his eyebrows at the younger with a small pout on his lips.

"Because they don't want you interfering with anything. They don't want you there. And shouldn't you be working?"

Minho scoffs at that. Not interfering? It's like they don't interfere with Minho's work. Hell, they interfere with his work every day, not being able to produce a capable amount of work and he lets it slide.

What could Minho even do to interfere?

"I'll go."

"Stop it," Changbin stops from working on the layout, crossing his arms and arching an eyebrow at Minho. "This is why the editors hate you."

"Hey, I used to be an editor, okay?" Minho walks over to Changbin, leaning down. "Plus, won't it be a great boost of morale to see their beloved publisher out of his cave to greet his workers?"

The older narrowed his eyes at the smiling man, scoffing. "No, they'll be wondering why their idiot of a boss isn't working right now."

"It's because for once they've been doing their work," Minho hums, shoving his hands in his pocket.

"Fine," Changbin frowns. "But if you hear your workers complaining about you, don't rant to me about it."

"I won't," Minho waves a dismissing hand, walking over to the door. "We're all family, anyway."

"Yah, when you go to the second floor, ask Han Jisung to submit his story already. I'm having a hard time figuring out page seven because of him."

"Will do," Minho calls out, before walking out his office.

Yeah, the reason why Minho wanted to visit the newsroom was because of Han Jisung anyway.

Since their little escapade about a month ago- Minho- well to put it simply... He's been wanting to talk to Jisung- talk to him about... well whatever happened between them.

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