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Jisung stretched with a long groan, eyes still shut and arms pulling themselves high above his head.

He was warm, and he didn't want to leave his bed- but he knew he had to get up for work. it was Friday- and Minho surely wouldn't mind if he missed a day right? He's finished everything he needed to do. Maybe five minutes more minutes wouldn't hurt?

He began to drift back to sleep when he heard faint clattering outside, his eyes popping open and body immediately shooting up from the bed.

Oh, shit- he wasn't home-

He glanced around, but after waking up so abruptly, his eyes had to adjust to the light, and his body begged him to lay back down. He didn't want to lay down though- he couldn't.

Gripping the blanket tightly, he pulled it slightly above his body, thanking God when he still had his clothes on.

He remembered working on the story last night... on the couch... so how did he??

Minho. Right it was Minho.

The guy must've carried him off to bed after Jisung finished his stories- Holy shit- did Jisung even send it to Jae?!

Jisung scrambles about, searching for his laptop which was on the nightstand, opening it and hurriedly going through the edited stories. He couldn't believe the huge sigh that ripped through his throat when he noticed that Jae had seen it and already gave it the get-go for the layout team to start organizing it.

But he doesn't remember sending it to Jae either- Jisung squinted, bringing the laptop closer. His lack of glasses made everything blurry, and after closely reading the story he edited- he doesn't remember that word either! Or that one! Or rewording this phrase-

Oh, God-

Jisung slapped his hands on his face, groaning and throwing himself back on Minho's bed.

His face had gotten warm- and he tried to keep himself from dying of embarrassment.

"I want to get a promotion off my skills, my ass!" Jisung scolded himself. "You fell asleep and let Minho edit all your stories! Ugh!"

Now Jisung has to go outside in humility- admit that he was a sad excuse of an editor and let his editor-in-chief edit his own story when Minho was going to see it anyway when Changbin sends him the drafts and the final layouts of the newspaper-

Jisung shoots up from the bed again, trying to peek outside the open door.

Maybe he could just jump out the window- like a one-night stand?

But they've already gone through this! Jisung isn't a one-night stand so why does he want to be one right now?!

Well, at least he still had his clothes on- er- Minho's clothes on...

Right he borrowed that too...

Jisung wanted to cry. Now that he and Minho have a secret "relationship"- if he could even call it that- Jisung feels like he's just using Minho now. He's not- he swears! At least not consciously.

So Jisung slips out of Minho's bed, creeping to the door and peeking outside to the apartment's small hallway. He couldn't see the kitchen from there but he could definitely hear the TV on and clattering in the kitchen, the sink going off right after.

As he walked outside to the kitchen, he tried to refrain from making any noise, picking up his foot right after when the floor was bound to creak under him.

Peeking around the corner, he notices Minho in the kitchen, all dressed and ready for work, cleaning the dishes with his sleeves rolled up, his tie flipped to his back to keep it from getting wet.

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