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My commanding officer's screamed order suddenly cut off with a gurgle as they advance. A quick look over my shoulder shoots a bolt of pure and utter terror through me, the rotting and gruesome visage of them causing my mind to scream out in fear. My foot catches on something as I scramble to get away causing me to tumble to the ground, my ankle twisted the wrong way around. I don't even spare a glance as to what I tripped over or give a thought as to my ankle, my thoughts overwhelmed with a need to get away. I feel them creeping closer and closer, the screams of terror of my comrades slowly falling silent as I claw my way away from them, hoping beyond hope that they won't notice me. {Where did this all go so wrong??}

————————————A FEW DAYS PRIOR

"We've been given new orders. We are to set out and slay the vile creature that has been haunting villages to the north and slaughtering innocent civilians in droves." My commanding officer's voice booms out, so full of life and vitality. His armor, like all of our armor, gleams with polish and proudly shows our crest, an open-mawed dragon.

 "We are at our strongest ever. 1,500 footmen, 800 archers, and 1000 of the bravest and most mighty knights I have ever had the pleasure of serving with!" A loud raucous cheer sounds through the courtyard, almost deafening loud.* We set out at daybreak. Prepare yourself. ————————————

The final voice falls quiet, an eerie and almost deafening silence falls across the bloodied and body strewn battlefield. The only sounds being that of me dragging myself across the bodies of my fallen comrades and the sound of three raspy breaths being drawn and exhaled in unison accompanied by the slight tinkling of metal on metal. My heart pounds in my chest, feeling like it's going to burst at any moment as the rasping and tinkling slowly creeps closer. The only warning I have is a faint whistling sound before suddenly nothing.

The last honorable knight's body slumps to the ground, his armor perforated by one large hole right above his heart, a look of peace crossing his face as he dies without pain. The list of their victims grows longer and longer, no one knowing where they came from or why they kill but knowing that with their existence the world seems to be heading down a dark path.

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