Chapter 1

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"They're gone." Kara said as she felt tears run down her cheeks, as she watched a huge wave of antimatter completely wash away her earth from existence. Her home, the people she cared for most, her family, all of them, gone in an instant. She believed that with the rest of the heroes they might save her earth, but nothing. It just became nothing. How could she let this happen? She should've protected her earth, she should've been prepared for this crisis. And yet it had just started while she was busy fighting for Lena's soul. How was it that she had no idea a crisis was coming, while Barry and Oliver knew this whole time.

She felt anger rise to the surface, but more importantly pain and sadness. She had to lose her whole world all over again, she had to watch it completely vanish again. But now wasn't the time for her to grieve. The crisis was still happening, worlds were still vanishing, and she couldn't let the Anti Monitor do that to the rest. She had to continue fighting for her family, otherwise their sacrifice meant nothing. She had to stay strong for them, and remember the reason she became a hero. Because of them.

Suddenly a blast of bright light filled the waverider. Harbinger, had brought the other heroes aboard to assist with defeating this crisis. Kara followed it out, wiping the tears off her face. As she entered the main room she could feel everyone's eyes on her and she didn't know if she could look back at them. She looked down for a second and she took a deep breath trying to make it seem like she was ok, even though deep down she was breaking.

The others were worried about her, Kate and Barry especially. They all knew what she had been through, losing her world at only 13 years old and having to restart all over. And now here she was many years later and she lost her world all over again. They couldn't even imagine what she was going through. Sure they have lost their parents, friends, and others, but none of them have lost their world.

As Kara looked around, she could see a few people having tears in their eyes, probably thinking about what she was going through and barely comprehending it. She could barely comprehend it herself. Finally as she noticed the complete silence that filled the room, she spoke up.

"Guys, we have bigger things to worry about than me, I don't know if you somehow forgot, but the whole multiverse is getting destroyed out there."

"Kara, it's ok to be upset, you lost your world, your home. I get it." Sara reassures her.

Kara looked at her with disbelief. How could Sara understand what she's been through? How could anyone? Something inside her snapped at Sara's trying to understand what she was going through. It was one thing having everyone in the room looking at her with nothing but sadness in their eyes, but now they were trying to relate. That was not how Kara wanted this to go.

"How can you get it?!? You haven't lost your world have you?! I've lost my world TWICE Sara and you get that?! How the heck do you "get that"?" Kara shouted at them not being able to hold in her anger and pain.

"Kara, look I'm sorry you lost your world.. twice.. but it's ok to feel grief and frustration. We all do, I think everyone on this ship can attest to that" Sara replies not being bothered by Kara's yelling.

"No! I'm not just going to sit by and feel sorry for myself! We are in the middle of a crisis and you want me to just grieve?!" She said in shock. "Look, I'm not like you guys, I'm not some human who will just forget about everything that's going on around them just to deal with how they're feeling. So you can just forget it ok?!" She finished as she looked at the shocked faces looking back at her.

She shook her head at them and started to walk out of the room. "I'll be back when you guys are ready to figure out how to stop earth's being destroyed." She explained leaving the rest of the heroes in silence.

The heroes watch Kara leaves and their eyes drop even more. To them Kara seemed broken, and they knew that she was trying to stay strong. Suddenly Kate decided to break the silence. "Look I know I'm new to this whole team thing, but should somebody go talk to her?" She asks as everyone nods in agreement. "I'll go talk to her, you guys keep working on a plan ok?" Barry explains to the heroes before walking out to find Kara.

"Kara Wait!" He says as he sees her walking down the hallway

Kara stops as she hears Barry call after her and turns around to face him. "Look Barry, I'm really not in the mood for a hallway pep talk."

Barry noticed the seriousness in her voice and knew he probably should leave her alone. But he wasn't going to, his friend was hurting and he wanted to help her. "Please Kara, I just want to talk"

Kara crossed her arms and looks at Barry as he continues approaching her. "Talk? About what? That it's ok to feel? Just like Sara said?"

"No, I'm not going to force you to let your feelings out. I just came to talk and well, be your friend in a time of need. I don't exactly know what you're going through, but I do know what it's like to lose people. My parents, my friends, my daughter ..." Barry remarks leaning against the wall looking down.

"But, I keep going. Just like you, they are my fuel to fight."

Kara leans next to him and sighs as she thinks about what he said. "I just sometimes wish none of this happened and we all had our happy endings." She remarked letting her thoughts escape once again.

Barry looks over at her with a warm smile. "But if it didn't happen, we wouldn't be who we are today. We wouldn't know people like us existed, I wouldn't have met you.." He said as his face slowly turned almost as red as his suit. Kara looked at him and gave him a small smile. Her first real smile she gave since before the crisis started. Barry couldn't help but smile back at her knowing that he was able to bring back a small smile. It showed that the real and hopeful Kara was still buried under all that pain.

Barry looked down and gently grabbed Kara's hand for comfort. "You're not alone in this Kara, I'm going to help you get your earth back if it's the last thing I do. But right now, we have to prevent other earths from vanishing too." Kara looked at Barry shocked. That's exactly what she has been trying to tell anyone. "Really Barry? I told everyone in that room exactly that?! I'm not out here trying to get my earth back, I want to save the world just like the rest of you." Kara explained getting frustrated. She wanted to continue fighting and yet everyone in there told her to stop and grieve. Now Barry was telling her not to?

"Look my mind is racing with so many things, losing my world being the main one. But you're right we have a multiverse to save, so I'm gonna find a way to save it." She explained as she started walking down the hallway to the main library, knowing very well the book of destiny was there. Barry understood, and started to follow her but Kara turned her head toward him and snapped. "Alone." Then she fully exited leaving Barry completely alone.

Barry watched as his super friend left and he sighed. She was broken and he hated seeing her like that. He slowly felt like this battle was slowly taking away all of Kara's hope, and he was going to make sure that wasn't going to happen.

The girl of steel was the symbol of hope to not only her people but to him. She was one of the many reasons he continued fighting. She was his inspiration. He understood her pain, and they connected for that reason. And maybe part of him fell in love with her too. That's why he wasn't going to give up on her. Not ever. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2020 ⏰

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