Forever his.......

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I sat on the bed. My arms folded up to my chest and my eyes fixed on the glass window. I seriously don't know for how long I have been staring at the window. I swear if I will keep on staring like this than the poor glass will break for sure. But I can't do anything because the monster I hate with all of my heart is laying next to me and I don't want to look at him.
"Baby I love you. " he whispered as he played with the strands of my hairs. I controlled the urge to punch his face.
"Baby you are so beautiful. " he whispered again as he touched my hand with the tip of his fingers. I glared at him.
"Have you just vowed that you will not let me sit in peace. Have you???" I said with gritted teeth. He chuckled.
"Oh my precious!!!!!! Why will I do that anyway. You are everything to me, why would I even think of troubling you. " he said as he kept his hand on his cheek. I rolled my eyes.
"You think that you aren't troubling me.?? " I asked raising my brow.
"Nope sweetheart. " he said with a simper. I clenched my fist.
"You were literally vexing me Viraj. You were just playing with my hairs and were muttering......I don't know what. And you say you aren't annoying me. Wow amazing. Slow claps. " I yelled at him. He sighed.
"If that's what you think is annoying than I am sorry coz I will annoy you like this for the whole life because I just can't stay away from you. " he declared. I frowned and resumed to stare at the window.

For about half an hour we both sat like this on the bed. Oops sorry!!!! It was me who was sitting while Viraj was laying on the bed. He just didn't stop touching even for a minute. And trust me, it annoys me to hell. Suddenly something struck in my mind.
"Viraj where is my phone. " I asked folding my arms. He raised his brow.
"Why are you asking about it.??? " he asked. I rolled my eyes.
"Because it is my phone. Where it is.??Come on, hand me my phone back. I have not opened my phone since so many days. " I said. He sighed.
"Umm your phone is no longer useful for you. Because I have uninstalled all the important apps. " he said scratching the back of his neck. I gaped at him.
"What!!!!!! You have uninstalled my whatsapp, facebook, instagram. " I said agape. He nodded nervously.
"You know what Viraj. Just get lost before I lose my temper and punch your face. " I said as calmly as I could.
"Let me explain baby, after that you can punch me, kiss me. Whatever you want you can do with me. I promise I won't say anything. " he tried to explain. I glared at him.
"Why would I kiss you. Are you crazy.?? " I yelled at him.
"Baby relax, don't get hyper. Look Darling, so sorry. It's just that I don't want you to post your pictures online. It makes me mad when I see other man seeing your photos. " he explained. I gazed at him startled.
"Now what will I do Viraj. How will I pass my time.??? " I yelled at him.
"Take my phone baby. You can use my phone whenever you want. " he said with a smile. I gazed at him for few minutes.
"OK fine give me your phone. " I said. He smiled and handed me his phone. His phone didn't even had a password. But his phone's home screen wallpaper and lock screen wallpaper had my image and it freaks me out. He leaned his face against mine and put his arm around my waist. I wanted to yell but I knew it was of no use so I didn't. I tapped on the whatsapp icon and the app opened.
"You just talk to two people. Samrat and Sudarshini. That's so boring. " I said. He chuckled and kissed my forehead. Yuckkkkk.!!!!!
"Let's see your photos. " I whispered as I opened the photos app. I looked to see hundreds of images of mine. I was literally scared after seeing all the photos of mine. Besides there were certain photos which I had no knowledge about. I kept on scrolling down and abruptly I came through a photo. It had three people. One was Viraj, the other one was Samrat and the third one I didn't knew. He was equally tall and muscular as Viraj and Samrat.
"Viraj. Who is he. " I asked looking at him. He looked at the photo and trust me I saw tears in his eyes.
"I am sorry if I had hurted you. I shouldn't have asked about him. " I said softly. A lone tear fell from his eye. He wiped it but in vain as new tears clouded his eyes.
"This photo was clicked in Cambodia. Three of us had went to see the Angkor Wat. I remember someone stole Rana's wallet and we were laughing as the most powerful Mafia King's wallet was robbed. It was so funny......." he stopped as he chuckled. But the laugh was short lived as tears fell from his eyes.
"Everything's finished. " he said as he began sobbing. I had never seen him crying like this. I cupped his face and wiped his tears.
"Don't cry. " I whispered as I tried to calm him down.
"He taught me everything....... But how to live without him......he forgot to teach me that. " he said as he sobbed harder. My heart clenched after seeing him like this. He may be a bad person but he too feels pain. I now realise that the man in the photo is dead.
"It's okay Viraj. We should pray for his soul to rest in peace. " I said softly as I hugged him.
"He always used to say 'Veere don't you dare marry without me'. Now see he is not with me when I am going to marry. " he said in a croaking voice as tears continuously streamed down his eyes.
"Viraj please calm down. " I said as I endeavour to calm him down. He wiped his tears.
"You know what pari. I know that my brother will not break his promise. He will come back for me. " he said as he gazed at the photo with hope. I sighed.
"A dead man never comes back viraj. He can never come back. Don't give yourself false hopes. Try to accept the reality. Your brother is dead. He can never return back. " I said as I wiped his tears.
"You don't know my brother. He never breaks his promise. He will come back, you will see it yourself pari. He will come back for me. " he said as he stood up from the bed and dashed outside the room.
"I wish it could happen viraj. But the truth is that a dead man never comes back. " I said softly. I stood up from the bed and looked in the front and trust me I saw a shadow but it went away real quick.
"I think I am just imagining things. " I said to myself. Howbeit I still couldn't disagree with the fact that I felt someone's presence in the room.

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