Chapter 45: Lisa

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Zanovia Brown:

"Hello?" His smooth voice answered after the operator connected the call.

"Baby.." I said letting out a deep breath I didn't even know I was holding.

I hadn't heard from him in 3 days, "Why it sound like you freakin out?" He asked and I could tell he had a grin on his face and that thought alone made me blush. His smile was enough to make me feel good.

"Dre baby why are you doing this?" I asked

"You don't understand her struggle, have you ever had a man think that he owns you since the day he met you? Tell you what you should or shouldn't wear, tell you who you can and can't talk to, baby I've been protecting her from this same guy since high school, no matter how many times I fought him she would never fight for herself. So I stopped fighting for her, and I told her the day that she fought back would be the day that I fight for her again. That was a promise, now she may not be my wife anymore but she is still my family. I'll never talk ill of her and I'll never look down on her, she fought for her freedom I just think she deserves to keep it. I know she hurt the kids and she hurt me but at the end of the day Zanovia me and those kids all she got. I got you, Josh, Leeyah, Marcus, Angel, Dylan, Jayden, their parents and your parents my support system is way stronger than hers ya know?" As he spoke I understood everything that came out of his mouth, and I hated that I agreed with him. I hated that his heart was this good and I hated that my heart was breaking hearing that she didn't have anybody. "You gotta know Lisa to understand why I'm so proud of her Z, like really know her. Just get to know her for me baby."

"Dre I don't wanna get to know her I-"

"I need you to do that for me Nov, she's gonna be around a lot there's a reason I'm soft when it comes to women in general, and she's the reason baby."

"Alright Dre. You know I was thinking we could get you another lawyer somebody to work with Lee-"

"No, Leeyah got it by herself. I know you gotta team of lawyers and shit Z, but this right here is Leeyah's time to shine this is her first case this is her make or break let her work her magic." He says. "Look babe I gotta go, talk to Lisa okay?"

"Alright baby I love you."

"I love you too." He said before he hung up the phone.

There was a knock on my room door, "Come in!" I shouted and the door opened and Lisa was standing on the opposite side. "Why you standing out there? Come in tell me what you want."

"I feel unwelcomed so I'm going to leave I don't wanna be anywhere I'm not welcomed a-"

"I'm sorry, okay? This whole thing is stressing me out. Sit down boo." I say as she closed the door behind her. She sat down on my bed, "I am hard on you and I don't like you, but I don't know you enough to say that I don't like you. Do I care enough to wanna get to know you? No, but my husband asked me to try so that's what I'm doing."

"You don't have to do that Zanovia, honestly. You don't have to like me and we don't have to hate each other either we can just coexist." She says

"The last time I told Andre I would try something and I didn't he almost left me, so I will never make that mistake again. He considers you family and he's my husband so unfortunately you're my family too. He's proud of you, and he's adamant on protecting you and I have to know why. So Lisa, tell me about you."

"I was born in Texas, my mom didn't have much. She didn't even have a heart." Lisa chuckled shaking her head.

"Didn't you go to high school here?" I asked

"Yeah I did, my mom she didn't have much like I said. So she sold me to a pimp who called himself Karma, and he also happened to be my father. He raped me every day until I finally stopped fighting back, and when he knew I wouldn't run? He put me to work, guy after guy and the crazy party was they didn't care that I was 14.  They had their way with me paid me the money and kept it pushing."

"How did you get out of that?"

"Somebody killed Karma and most of us got away the others were captured by who killed Karma. I ran as far away as I could, when I first got here I met Jayceon, he stayed with his brother and they gave me a place to stay even got me into school. Since then Jayceon felt like he owned me it was like Karma all over again, sex when he wanted, wore what he wanted, ate what he wanted, lived how he wanted...and then I met Andre. He didn't see the broken parts of me, or at least that's how he made me feel. He made me feel like I wasn't broken but I was. I was damaged and I should've knew better , he was the light of my day. I couldn't wait to sit with him at lunch or meet him at the park so we could swing on the swings and talk about life. He gave me something to look forward to."

"So why hurt him Lisa?" I asked confused

"I depended on Jayceon way too much. He bought my clothes, shoes, food, school supplies I had nothing or nobody but him and he reminded me of that all the time. He told everybody I wasn't his girlfriend I was his slut and he could have me and whatever bitch he wanted and I let him have that control, I took charges for him and then some. I allowed myself to believe that I owed him, I just know it was better than being with Karma. I fell in love with Andre, the country band nerd from Virginia everybody laughed at because of his weird attraction to nature and he wasn't chasing every piece of ass like the rest of the guys around there. I had never felt so safe and secure not even with my own mother, and when I got pregnant I was so happy Hunter was Andre's. Jayceon found out I had been with Andre and tried to make me get an abortion, I called Andre and he came to Jayceon's house and fought the best he could. He had always fought Jayceon and lost, after he fought Jayceon that time Jayceon left and Andre got up and started packing my things. He put it the in his car and we started off living in his car, and shit got so real, he was so good, and I didn't know why. I just didn't understand why he loved me, why would a good man like that want trash like me? I had married him and had two kids by him and I just didn't feel like I deserved something that good and I ruined it. Once shit got real I ran, and honestly I'm not trying to get back with Andre but I'm trying to redeem myself and just show my kids and Andre that I can be better. I just want a chance I'm not asking for open arms and acceptance, but just something."

"Lisa where did you go when you divorced Andre?" I asked her and she looked down at her fingers. "Were you with Jayceon?"

"No I was homeless for a while, a good 6 months. I got addicted to all types of drugs moving house to house feeling sorry for myself and Jayceon saw me at one of his friends house, had his hold on me and promised not to let me out of his sight again. I couldn't call Andre and tell him that I had somehow managed to end up in the same spot I had begged to be out of, so I dealt with it."

"What made you come back around?" I asked

"I saw you post that picture of Kai and Hunter and I knew what I did to Andre was wrong that was something that couldn't be fixed but I abandoned them like my mother abandoned me and I had a rude awakening I had just become the weak woman my mother was, after I had told myself a million times I wouldn't become her or that I hadn't become her. I gotta prove to myself that I'm stronger, and I have to prove to our kids that I can fight and I do love them."


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