Chapter 54: Just Trying To Get Home

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Leeyah Fischer:

"Shut up Andre don't answer that, I'm going to ask y'all again are y'all charging him? If not I'm taking him home, his son was shot three times, his wife is pregnant and he has two other kids to look after." I spoke up before Andre fixed his mouth to answer another question. "Mr. Moreland isn't dead and trust me if y'all didn't arrest him for shooting a sixteen year old boy who's mother owns a house in the neighborhood he was walking in unarmed and you arrest my client the law suit I'mma hit y'all with gone make me richer than I already am."

Before the detective could respond there was a knock on the one way window, "I'll be back." The detective got up making his way out the room.

"I said to stay out of trouble, stay out of the media-"

"He shot my son because he was black. You shoulda heard the way he was talkin me, callin me boy and shit and I'm the one sitting in a fuckin interrogation room." He said laughing shaking his head. "Crazy right?" He asked.

"They are not gonna get a way with this Dre I promise, but we're in the middle of trying to beat a murder charge, you don't need assault added to that, I'm not trying to sit through two separate trials. I know you're angry but right now ain't the time to go all activism on me, when the time is right we gone say what we want but for now let me get you out of here." I said, he had been arguing with the detective since he got into this interrogation room and although he had every right to be upset and uncooperative, now wasn't the time.

"Alright Lee." He sighed as the detective re-entered the room.

"We're gonna charge him but you can post bail tonight you won't have to wait to see a judge-"

"What kinda shit-"

"Andre." I said and he closed his mouth. I opened my purse and pulled my wallet out. I pulled my debit card out of my wallet sliding it across the table. "Process him out now, take the cuffs off and he won't sit in a cell. We will wait here until it's done." Andre's leg was shaking, I could tell he wanted to go off. The detective uncuffed him and took my debit card exiting the room.

"You don't think shit could happen to yo kids until the shit happen man. Talkin about some Hunter was trying to rob a house they not tryina get to the bottom of that story they ain't charge him yet cause they wannabe sure they charging the right guy, but what about my fuckin son?"

"I know Andre, it's my job to tell your story and you gotta let me do that. After we beat this we will sue the fuck outta them."

"Is Hunter okay?" Andre asked

"Z said they got the bullets out they're just waiting for him to wake up. It's a waiting game at this point, and guess what? Guess why you shouldn't stress about this situation." I said with a small smile

"Why?" Andre asked

"Storm and Hunter was on FaceTime when everything happened."

"Okay so."

"Storm screen recorded their FaceTime call the moment she felt funny about Mr. Moreland and sent it to me right after it happened. Just let the police make an ass of themselves and then I'll just so happen to slide the evidence into discovery toward the end of the trial."

"So what house was he trying to break into did anybody figure that out?"

Zanovia Brown:

"Ma he's lying." Storm said interrupting the police officer again. "Hunter was not breaking into nobody house, he was at the old penthouse the house you own."

"What?" I said feeling myself get pissed off. "What's the address of the home he was supposedly robbing?" The officer flipped through his notepad before showing me the address and I chuckled hysterically. "My son wasn't robbing shit I own that house! He was trying to get the fuck home!" I yelled

"Ma'am we need to question your son first-"

"Question him for what? Does he need to have a lawyer in the room?" Jayden asked confused

"What you mean he the victim." Angel said laughing at the bullshit happening in front of her, just like me.

"Mr. Moreland assume-"

"Assumed!" I snapped making the officer flinch. "Let my son had'a shit him because he assumed he was breaking into his own home and my son woulda been sitting in a jail cell right now! Don't make me end the Seattle Police Department because I fuckin will." I couldn't stop the tears from rolling down my cheeks. "He's only 16 and he's a good kid, y'all not gone tarnish his name not my son. You won't find no pictures of him in no gang or throwing up gang signs and you won't find no pictures of him with guns so I want y'all to try to make him look like a bad kid who asked for this."

"Give me a call when he wakes up ma'am." The officer held his card out and I scoffed.

"Fuck you and that card my son not talkin to nobody." Zanovia slapped the card out his hand and he sighed as Josh pulled her into a hug allowing her to cry on his chest.

"It's okay don't stress out man. You gotta stay healthy for the baby." He said patting her back.

"Ma ma." AJ said hugging my leg

"We gone get through this Z-"

"Everybody stop saying that shit to me. My fuckin husband is in the middle of fighting one case that could put him away for a long ass time my son is laying in the hospital bed fighting for his life and they tryina tarnish my baby name, shit is falling apart and I can't fuckin fix it so don't tell me shit gone be okay when it's gettin fuckin worse!" I snapped I felt way too overwhelmed. I had gained everybody's attention around me.

AJ hugged my leg tighter and when I looked down at him his lip quivered and my heart dropped. "You okay?" His small voice asked and I allowed more tears to fall picking him up. He hugged my neck tightly kissing my cheek.

"I'm okay." I mumbled hugging him tightly. Kai has hugged me too she hadn't said much, I don't think it had set in with her yet. She was moving around looking at the ground a lot. I wrapped an arm around her and she started sobbing too and I knew I had fucked up right then showing just a little bit of weakness and now I had scared my kids. "I'm sorry babies." I said placing a kiss on top of Kai's head. "Everything gone be okay." I say to them.

"What's goin on?" I heard Andre's voice and I looked over at him and Leeyah entering the hospital.

"Baby." I said and I smiled as he hugged the three of us.

"What we cryin for? Hunter a soldier he gone pull through." Andre reassured us. "We gotta stay positive y'all god got us always." He said. "Storm you smart ass girl, I love you man." Andre let us go and picked Storm up hugging her tightly. "You saved his life and mine." He told her.

"I'm confused, somebody fill me in?" Angel said

"How she do that?" Marcus asked

"Let's just say, if they don't do their jobs and arrest Moreland this country gone see the biggest scandal unfold in front of their eyes. Media is already everywhere outside this hospital they on top of this because it's Zanovia's kid we got the exposure let's see if they wanna play hardball or do shit right for once." Leeyah said and the smirk on her face told me that she had a plan.


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