Untitled Part 8

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(hey its real life vanessa! um so last chapter the whole thing about thé "does trtrtr" actually happened :) x$)


I called Nick when I got home "hey Nick she didnt eat thé muffin" We talked up another plan to try with her and Matt. When Matt got home he had take out and was talking about youtube and vidéos I wasnt listening. I was to nervous about Lauren.

"Hey Laubear" I texted her. I waited an hour before i got a text but it wasn't from her it was from my brother telling me to go to bed. Disobeying him I took out my sketchbook and began to draw. I wasn't sure what I was drawing I couldn't see. My eyes were blurred from tears. And I'm sure that everything on the page was blotchy and ugly because I didt know what i was doing. About an hour later I was done crying and I looked at the drawing finally see it clearly and saw that it was the best drawing i have ever drawn. There were no tear stains or smudges. It was just a beautiful pencil marked pages with the most beautiful drawing ever. With the most beautiful person ever. It was a drawing of Lauren.

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