Untitled Part 4

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Nick and I walked around the store (carrying starbucks of course) making jokes and picking up various foods. I looked over at Nick and saw he was worried "Hey Nickalaws" I said softly giving him alittle hug from behind he have me a small smile before saying what was on his mind "Um, have you noticed that Lauren never eats?" His words shocked me, I was surprised i didn't realise sooner. "Wow Nick you're right she never eats and when she does she barely touches the food!" Nick turned around to face me before saying " What should we do? Do you think your sister noticed? Should we tank to her about it?" He kept also my questions and I was getting dizzy. "Nick calm down! Let's finish shopping and we will talk about it after" He nodded and pecked my cheek before moving on seeing some cakes and saying he wanted the one with the puppy on it.

About an hour later I was unlocking the door to my little "home" calling out for my baby sister. "VANESSAAAAA WE HAVE BROUGHT FOOD!!!!" I yelled in a high pitched voice. "Coming" she called before jumping down the stairs. We put away the food and chatted on what he did while I was gone. I'm sure shes hiding the fact that she had a make out session because she said we kissed like twice. LIES I thought and just nodded. Eventually Nick left to do school work and I went to take a bath with my LUSHious soaps haha et it Lush-ious. I'm so funny.

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