Sands of Felicity

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Endless water for a Countless Sands

Endless misery but for a countless bliss

Allow me to embrace the happiness you deserve to earn

I'm considered as the " The Sands of Felicity "

Because i am the finale of all your fouls in life

I heard the waves whistle in shrill.

The birds begun to fly and started singing in euphony

The sandy grains where like a rocky crystal in place. I kick the sands that made a soft rustle to the ground

The echo has a great effect to my ears as i'm watching the hazy view of the mountain

What a cold morning.

I smiled.

My lips quivered and starting to get pale. I hugged myself tightly for warmth

My hair was blown by the wind. Its intensity were too harsh

That's why its cold.

What a fulfilling feeling,  the view is crazy.

Unspoken feelings did burst , can't hold it

The sadness in my heart did escape a little

I feel, the sands pliantly touched my leg. Telling me one piece but i'm many '

I know the sands are with me, because i could totally feel the happiness  inside, and i deserve to earn  that feeling

The sands did know my life that i don't even know if this is still my life

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