What Can I Do For Now

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"Wow! Look at Tatsumi's attire, so cool!" Shelee exclaimed. Tatsumi now wears a golden suit that Kizaru provided to him. Every girl who has a crush on Tatsumi were flustered by the glowing attire of the second Incursio user.

"Oh yes! You really look like a man now, Tatsumi!" Bulat said.

"Thank you, Big bro! And to you as well, Kizaru sama!" Tatsumi said.

"Why the show isn't starting yet?" Saitama asked.

"Well, I'm still fixing this grimoire of mine. And here! We're all good now!" Asta exclaimed.

"Do it." Kizaru said.

"Hmmmm. Just make sure you pick the girl who'll let you rape you. Kay?" Kizaru asked, making Tatsumi blush.

'That should be me!!' Every girl who had a crush on Tatsumi thought.

"The cumulative results for the practical exam are out!" One person said as the scoreboard for the entrance examimation of U.A. students are now being shown.

"I can't believe he got first place with no rescue points." Second person said.

"The faux villains acquire their targets and draw near them. In the second half, as others were slowing down, he ised his flashy Quirk to keep bringing them close and then counterattacking. It's the result of his toughness." Another person said.

"In contrast, there's the 7th place student with zero villain points." Second person said.

"There have been other examinees who took on the large villain in the past, but it's been a while since I last saw someone blow it away." Another person said.

"But to suffer such a serious injury from his own attack... It's like he's a young child whose Quirk just manifested." One person said. A man with scarfs around his leg observed the student who they are talking about.

"I can feel something about that man." Akame said.

"He's quite creepy and strange." Shelee said.

"Is he a hero also, Asta sama?" Bulat asked.

"You'l know later. But for now, enjoy the show as of the moment." Asta replied.

"I think I saw him on the entrance song earlier, do I?" Wave asked.

"Who knows." Run said.

The scene started in the evening in Dagobah Municipal Beach where a person known to be as All Might in his normal form can be seen standing and waiting for someone.

'The night after I opened my acceptance letter, that person contacted me.' Izuku narrated. Izuku can be seen running towards All Might and crying.

"All Might!" Izuku yelled.

"Who's that?!" All Might whispered while spewing blood.

"All Might?" One person from afar asked.

"No way! Where?" A woman asked.

"Repeat after me. "I had the wrong person." All Might whispered.

"Oh, I had the wrong person!" Izuku yelled.

"Aw, what?"

"I was hoping to see him..." The couple sighed.

"All Might doesn't really want to be crowded by his fans too much huh?" Lubbock asked.

"It's a pressure for someone who has that kind of aura, you know! Besides, that makes them can't move freely if they're being known by someone. So he decided not to be in his form and pretend like he is another person." Tatsumi said.

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