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Shadowflight was now two and a half years old. He was already the size of his father, and nearly full grown.

Shadowflight and Rainheart flew low across the forest. Ever so often they grew tired of walking and decided to stretch their wings, a wary eye out for scouts and flocks.

Today, Rainheart decided to do something a little out of the ordinary for him and his son.

As Shadowflight flew to the left of his father, Rainheart said, "You know, today I want to show you something."

"What's that?" Shadowflight asked curiously.

"I've shown you how to hunt little game and large game -today I want to show you how to hunt larger game," Rainheart said. "You saw the herdbeasts in that valley the other day, right?"

"Yeah," Shadowflight replied. "You said you and your flock used to hunt them from time to time."

Rainheart nodded. "We hunted them in groups of three to seven. Now, in our case we only have two, but I still want to show you how it works, and if you use the right strategy, even a lone griffin can kill a herdbeast."

Shadowflight nodded, his eyes shining in elation.

"Alright, let's go. I think the herd was heading north, so not too far from us right now," Rainheart said. He veered west, Shadowflight following as he led the way.

Soon they came upon a narrow valley, in which a large herd of caribou grazed calmly. Shadowflight estimated at least a thousand in the herd.

"First we pick out one that's a little farther out of the herd," Rainheart instructed. "If you can, pick out one that seems a little weaker than the others. Next, we have to formulate a plan; who will herd the caribou away from the herd, who will attack the head, and who will support the one who attacks the head. Finally, we kill the caribou and take it into the forest to eat."

Shadowflight nodded, elation rising through his heart. He and his father were going to eat a caribou! He had pondered the possibility of eating herdbeast before, but now he was learning how to do it!

"So, which one do you think we should catch?" Rainheart asked, gesturing to the herd.

"Hmmm..." Shadowflight said as he scanned the herd. "How about that one?"

Rainheart looked where he was pointing and examined the small caribou. It looked like it had only recently left its mother. "That's good," the reddish-brown griffin said. "It's a young one. Now, I'll separate it from the herd and you go for the head. As soon as you can, cut its throat or break its neck. Ready?"

Shadowflight nodded enthusiastically.

"Alright. I'll fly down first, you come a few minutes after me." Rainheart dove towards the herd, slashing his claws across the flank of the chosen caribou. The creature kicked behind itself as it bolted away from the attacking griffin.

Rainheart flinched as the hind hooves came close to striking his forearms. He then looked at Shadowflight and wove a talon at him, signalling for him to come down.

Shadowflight dove down towards the caribou and latched onto its shoulders with his talons. The caribou frantically bucked in an attempt to get the griffin off his back.

Shadowflight dug into the flesh with his left talon and swiped at the creature's throat with his right talon.

The caribou bucked just in time for the griffin's claws to miss its throat and tear its ear.

The caribou fought harder. Other caribou began coming closer, sensing its distress, but Shadowflight found it odd just the sheer number that came towards the distressed caribou. It was almost as though the whole herd was coming to aid this young member of their group. Was that normal?

The Griffins of Leovis: Volume I (DISCONTINUED DRAFT)Where stories live. Discover now