Bad Baby Food

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Have you ever seen what babies eat? Have you seen those jars of mushed up fruits and vegetables? That's baby food. All that stuff is happens to be mushed fruit and vegetables, like I said earlier. Can you imagine eating that? I couldn't! That's why I'm making a stand on baby food ingredients and flavors.

So, think of a baby. Then think of a baby's face when they eat it. I've seen babies spit their food right out as soon as it touches their mouths. Have you ever eaten the food yourself? A lot of people say it tastes so bad they vomited. Those other people that say it tastes good have damaged taste buds. Babies need to enjoy food! We enjoy food, so why can't they? It isn't fair! Let's change that!

We have a list of combinations that would be delicious for babies to eat. Examples: broccoli and carrots, peas and oranges, apples and asparagus, peaches and carrots, grapes and beets, beets and broccoli, and such things.

Also, the ingredients for baby food. What they should do is pick fresh fruit and crush it with clean fingers. You could even make it homemade! It's super easy! All you need is fruit and a jar/bowl! So get ready for the best baby food industry ever and have your baby enjoy it!

Those commercials for baby food are totally fake. You see the baby, you see the baby food, you see the baby smile and eat the food, but do you see what happens behind the camera? What's really happening is the baby is only dealing with the terrible taste for a new rattle then spits out the food after the camera off. The smile? Fake. The cute food dribbling out of the mouth? Fake. That's really just the baby getting that horrible taste out of its mouth very slowly so they don't get fired. Then the people think it's cute! Honestly, there's a lot of truth in this.

Imagine the worst food in the world, and then eat it in your imagination. That's like babies eating their baby food. Do you like eating your favorite food? Of course you do! So do babies! Let's help those poor little souls and make good baby food!

We estimate that in 2016 the product will be entirely finished. The cost per bottle will be $5.99, a great deal of you ask me! For a package of 10 it's $50, another amazing deal!

Ok, if you love babies, you'll donate to us for faster results! We request at least $50 for each donation. Please donate at www.donatetobabies/money/


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