Rating: 3/10
Thoughts: Well I can see it happening, the only reason I don't like it that much is that then Starflight would be left without anyone for a partner, I don't think I could take any more sad things happening to him :(
Poor Starflights been through so much already.
But definitely not the worst wof ship :)
Sunny: Oh. Oh . . . some people actually ship . . . oh
Starflight: What? What does it say? Fatespeaker, what does it say?
Fatespeaker: It says . . . oh . . .
Starflight: What?!
Sunny: . . . wow
Fatespeaker: lol wowza
Sunny: Crazy right?
Fatespeaker: SOo crazy XD
Sunny: Like . . . WHaT
Fatespeaker: TotalLy
Starflight: WHAt doES it SayY????!!!!!!!!