Part 5

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Soon all staff came but still Ragini was not there.

Lak: it's already time. Y she's not here? Did she get angry after seeing whatever happened?

Ragini comes and sits in her place. Laksh gets smile on his face. Laksh called her through peon.

Rag: he called me. Wat he want now?

She entered his cabin.

Lak: Ragini....I..

Rag stopped him by saying: any work sir?

Laksh gets sad.

Lak: m ur..

Rag: sir. U r my sir.

She says without looking in his eyes.

Lak: listen to me once. That day...

Kavita enters: wat happened honey? U came so early today?

Ragini felt bad hearing honey from her mouth.

Lak: just one work need to b complete so came. But it's stil incomplete.

 But it's stil incomplete

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Said looking at Ragini.

Rag: ok sir. M leaving. I've much work.

Lak was abt to stop but she left. He cudnt call her again as Kavita was there.

Few days passed. Laksh daily tried to talk with her. But everytime he failed. Siya saw this. But dint say anything.

Laksh sees ragini's file. He was waiting for her nite shift. Her nite shift started. Many people were not there in that time. Ragini got up to go washroom. He was waiting outside. She came out and shocked to see him waiting.

Lak: y r u avoiding me Ragini? Just listen to me once.

Rag: I don't want to listen anything. M not complaining anything. U moved on. I too moved on.

She starts to leav. He holds her and pinned her to wall.

Lak: from how many days m trying to talk with u. Atleast listen once. Then do whatever u want.

Rag: sir leav me pls.

Lak: not sir. M ur...

They heard someone's footsteps. Laksh left her hands. She quickly leaves from there. Siya watched this from far. She dint hear Thier conversation.

Laksh gave her extra work one day so that he can talk with her alone. Ragini tried her hard to complete her work but cudnt. Soon everyone starts to go. Now she left alone.

Lak: Ragini.

She looked back at him.

Rag: I said u. I moved on. I don't have any prob with u. Stop following me.

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