5 ~Still Recovering~

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Hey there this will be a short one! Sorry.... 🙏
Anyways enjoy!

{Jaron's POV}

It's been three weeks since I've been in her house.
I was really being taken care of. She is so nice to me and feeds me good food. She also likes to cuddle me up her arms and pets my ears which makes me blush.
We watch movies on the television. Also, her neighbor Zane would come here to visit her sometimes and asks about me.

But every night she suddenly feels sad and sometimes starts crying.
I feel sad for her.
It must be hard to loose someone you love, I wan't to make her happy, but I still don't have the strength to turn into a human.

Jaron:" (If only I could go out and get something for her, then maybe—)

Ava:" Hey wolfy... What are doing staring at the window?

Jaron:" (She's here... I can't let her think that I wan't to go back to the woods or she'll—)

Ava:" Do you miss your home little buddy?"

Jaron:" (Crap... N-no I don't miss it actually I wan't to stay with you!) *Barks*

Ava:" Hey! Thats the first time I heard you bark! Maybe your really getting stronger aren't you?"

Jaron:" (What! Well no I mean, yeah maybe but It doesn't mean that since I'm barking I am stronger you know...) *whimpers*

Ava:" ehehe...  You look cute when you whimper." *smiles*

Jaron:" (ughh... She's smiling at me....) *blushes*

Ava:" Well don't worry... Once your done recovering I'll let you out to the woods again okay?"

Jaron:" (No thats not what i Mean!!!)
*ears down*

Ava:" Huh? Whats wrong little guy don't wanna leave me?"

[Jaron starts waging his tail]

I ran up to her and licked her in the face to prove that I wan't to be with her.

Ava:" Ahh!... Hey you... Stop it!....ahahaha... Hey!

Jaron:" (I-i'm sorry! I couldn't help it!  I just wanna be with you!) *barks*

Ava:" Alright, alright... I get that you wan't to be with me... Hehehe... If only your a dog or something, but your a wolf, and the authorities will be mad if I lock you in the house. Wolves are meant to be in the forest you know?"

[Jaron made his ears down]

{Ava's POV}

The wolf made a cute sad face and puts his ears down. It was cute, but i felt bad for him. He really wants me to take care of him. Its like this wolf doesn't want to go. I feel really bad about this, I feel like I don't want to let him go as well....

Ava:" come here wolfy."

Jaron:" (She wants me to go there...) *blushes*

As I was calling the wolf to come near me the doorbell started ringing. I rushed over to the door to see who it was, then.

To be continued...!
Cliff hanher!...


That's all for now... Bye! 😂

Loving The Runaway Wolf (Aarmau)Where stories live. Discover now