Chapter 3

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Emma awoke suddenly, surrounded by teddy bears. She had fallen asleep in the corner of her room, with the box filled with all her old blankets and stuffed animals.

She looked down at her arms, which were coated in sweat. Emma pulled the curtains and looked outside. It was still dark out, with a hint of sunshine peeking off in the distance.

Emma wandered down the stairs, trying to step near the railing to avoid making any creaking sounds. She looked up at the large clock hung in the corridor.

"4 a.m." she said, reading it out loud. "Well, I guess I could find something to do. There's no way I'm going back to sleep."

Sighing, she walked into the kitchen, but stopped in her tracks when she heard voices coming from the computer room. Emma retraced her steps and pressed her ear against the doorframe.

"Yes, sir, I understand, but we need to-." It was Adam's voice. Quietly, Emma pressed her ear harder against the door to hear better. It was cool on her cheek.

"Uh-huh. I see. Mm-hmm. But what about Dad?" She wondered what he was talking about.

"Could I speak to him for a second? Thanks." There was a pause, and once again, Adam's voice broke the silence.

"Dad? It's me, Adam. Listen, I'm worried about Emma. She's not acting like herself these days, for the past couple months, actually.

"What do you want me to do?

"Uh-huh. Alright. Whatever you say." With that, Adam stuck the phone back into the receiver, and sat down at the desk. He rested his elbows on the desk, and buried his face in the palm of his hands.

Emma sighed and went to the front door, pulling on a pair of black combat boots and her jacket. It'd be nice to go for a walk, to clear her mind for a while.

She shut the door behind her, careful not to disturb Adam. Then, Emma ventured out onto the damp pathway.

The thick, frosty air filled the streets. It was really dark outside, almost pitch-black. The only glimmers of light were from the streetlights, a faint yellow light shining on the rainy surfaces. Emma passed by the rows of houses, all perfectly aligned.

"Hey," a voice called out. Startled, Emma jumped and almost lost her balance.

"Whoa, whoa. It's just me, Shawn." She turned to face him. He was in a black jacket as well, with fur lining the hood. His hair was casually messed-up, and his eyes twinkled like the nights that lit up the dark streets.

"Shawn?" she whispered. "What are you doing out here so early?"

"I come out at this time everyday, Saunders. It's where I get my 'inspiration'." Emma rolled her eyes at that. "The real question is, what are you doing out here at this time?" He raised his eyebrows questioningly.

"I just wanted to get some fresh air." He looked at her, unimpressed with her answer.

"What? It's true."

"Uh-huh," he said, nodding slowly.

"Well, here's my house. See you around." Emma walked down the pavement towards her door.

"Emma! Wait!" Shawn called. She turned around, her hand placed on the golden doorknob of the front door.


"What?" she asked, bewildered. Why was he always acting so ridiculous?



"Just do it!" Obediently, she shot him a grin, which spread a smile across his face as well.

"See you around, Saunders." He turned and headed down the street.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2015 ⏰

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