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   Three men convened inside Taehyung's office studio. Hosoek and his intended, Yoongi sat together with Taehyung who just explained the reason of his unhappiness.

Hoseok sighs, as Yoongi enjoyed the tea that's been spilled.

"Apparently, Jimin is your college sweetheart who you happened to marry once unofficially , then he was abducted by his own father after beating the shit out of you, uh?
And you haven't told about this to Jungkook? I wonder why Jungkook is still married with you? If I was the one you were married to, Taehyung, you would have been a dead meat by now." Yoongi mocked clearly Impressed, making Taehyung more capsized.

Hosoek rolled his eyes, at the behaviour of his lover— grabbing his lover's hand.
"Yoongs, it's not us. It's about Jungkookie. You know how he is. Little one won't even let anyone know what's going on in his mind."

Taehyung  wiped away his tears, as he couldn't conceal them anymore. The mere thought Jungkook's upset face squeezes his heart so agonisingly.

"Hyung, my baby...he is affected by Jimin's entry. I know it, but, he will never exhibit it. I want to take all the pain away  he is going through. But, Kookoo isn't willing to talk to me. He isn't mad or upset with me- but he avoid this subject whenever I try to address it." Taehyung fixed his focus on the glass of whiskey placed in the table; wishing it was poison.

"How about you take him for a date? A date night? Maybe you could make it up, and maybe you guys can find a way to get rid of that Jimin guy." Yoongi stated after taking another drag from the cigarette, he took from Taehyung.

"Do you think it'll work out?" Taehyung pumped up nervously.

"At least you could try, Tae. There's nothing wrong with that.” Hosoek chuckled as he observed Taehyung heaving out a sigh.  He shares a knowing look with his lover before talking, “You're mature enough to not make stupid mistakes, Tae. Sit with him, talk to him. Communication is the key to all the problems, bro. Apologize and tell him the story of yours. Tell him who he is to you. And Jungkookie knows by heart and soul the real you, so you don't need to worry, Tae.”

"A date, it is." Taehyung whispered to himself— as he glances his friends who were watching him with a fond smile.



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taehyung_v : My heart and my body only belongs to this Angel, kim_kookoo

sunshine_hobi : Goals 💓
august_D : My baby boy 😎
wwh_jin :  handsome like his mama 😍


Jimin gaped at the boy who was busy serving his customers. He has been waiting for Jungkook since two hours, and the boy ignoring him didn't help Jimin's fuming rage. Jimin wanted to wipe of the light smirk playing on the younger's lips; the nerve of the bunny look alike.

"No matter how long you stay here, he won't talk to you, Park. I suggest you leave him." Jin for the nth time in the past two hours, trying to convince the shorter male, said.

"I'm not leaving. I have to talk to him, Hyung. I'm not the bad guy, I want the kid to know. I love Taehyung and he is my husband in the name of God. Doesn't it matter? Doesn't the vows we exchanged matter? The promises?" Jimin now focused on the side shouldered man in front of him, uttering each words with so much emotions in them. Almost pouring his heart into them.

Jin sighed shaking his head slowly. "Why is it that hard for you to accept that Taehyung's moved on? Why? Isn't it obvious he is totally in love with Jungkook and he needs the boy. And, for God's sake, they are married for 6 years. Try to get it that in your mind, Jimin ssi.”

Tears began to appear in the blonde's eyes, his breathing became uneven— no matter how much harder he tries to be strong and courageous, hearing about Taehyung loving someone else's makes his heart bleed.

He gasps, trying to swallow the sobs threatening to come out.

"I...it was hard. Staying away from him. I didn't have any way to get to him. Those 7 years.... without him. It was horrendous. Too terrible for me. I lived in pain. My passport, my money, everything was taken away by the man who I once called father. I... I....I couldn't even visit my own mother in her dead bed....I lost her....she left me alone....I couldn't even visit her grave for years... I still endured every pain....just because of his memories...our beautiful memories. There wasn't a single day that his memories cross my mind. Everything I held, everywhere I went, everyone I met, just reminded me of him, my Taetae. His memories made me live through all the sufferings I tolerated. And, I haven't been on any date or I haven't slept with anyone else all these years. Because I want him to be my last, like he was my first. Just our memories...I wished if distance between us just vanished so that I could be in his arms forever. All rights, my heart yearned for him making me tear apart. It wasn't painless. I was looking for him, wishing for him, waiting for him. You will never understand the pain. You'll never understand me. I even tried to kill myself, afraid that I can't be with again. Do you think I wanted to be like this? Do you think I....? Don't you think my heart needs to be healed to? " Jimin stared at Jin with his red eyes. Jin couldn't lie, but he saw the pain and suffering in those eyes— those tears were so strong enough to kill anyone.


"I suffered a lot, Hyung. More than what you can imagine. More than anyone could imagine. I was physically, mentally and emotionally drained. Hurt. Jungkook have everything, My Tae, family, friends, but I? I have no one. I lost my mom, my family, my studies, my friends, yet I lived. I patiently waited, just for him, my Taetae. And, now you all want me to forget him, and move on like it never happened. All these years, I had a reason to live. To see him, and to be with him. Now? For what should I live? For whom? Tell me! I...I can't put up with this anymore. It hurts. How do you think I feel seeing the man I love is married with someone else?  I may sound selfish, but I do deserve to be happy. It's just Taehyung who brings the light into my life. I can't let you all to push me to darkness. I can't let you all to kill me when I started to have hope again. I just can't. I've had enough. I've lost myself more than anything else. So, please just give me my happiness back, my Taehyung back." Jimin now, held Jin's hand, in a pleading manner.

The older man side eyes Jungkook, who heard everything Jimin told. Jungkook wipes away the tear that threatened to fall down from his eyes, walked up to them. He took a seat next to Jimin, and wrapped his arms around the latter pulling him into a hug. Jimin buried his head into Jungkook's crook, and cries his heart off.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for what happened to you, Jimin ssi." Jungkook comforted the boy, his own tears flowing through his cheeks.

"I need to fix this. Before everything is ruined." Jungkook thought.

Jimin looked up with a creepy smile, his arms around Jungkook's shoulders. His wicked mind playing fouled tricks.

"Oh, the poor bunny fell into the trap. Soon, I'll get rid of you, Jungkook. I'll have my man without any troubles, all by myself."


Jungkookie is falling for Jimin's trick? Is he? Poor Taehyung is going to go crazy the next Chapters.

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