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Jiyeon examined the coffee shot in the glass, holding up to the light. It was perfect-the crème clean and fresh; and then she sipped and swallowed, letting the bitter liquid run down her throat.

"When the fuck did you become so dense, Han Seojun? Can't believe you didn't even ask Jimin for a fucking reason." She snickered bitterly earning a scoff from the male.

"Oh! Please, I don't even know back story of Jimin." Jun just sighed. What have he got himself into? More like, Jimin is fucking psychic and he literally hired him to ruin someone's marriage.

" I knew he was hiding something from me, Jun ah. I knew that this wasn't going to end up well. I can't believe that Jimin actually hired you." The girl drank her coffee as she could feel her migraine coming back. She knew she shouldn't be like this, but she can't. She can't help but, worry over Jimin. His intentions, they will create chaos that can never be undone. The chaos that may cause many people's happiness.

Seojun stared at her - slowly placing his hands on her.

" Everything will be alright. Okay? Jiyeonie, I'll not let anyone get hurt." Seojun gave her a small smile, to which she gave a glum smile back.

Everything is gonna be alright, right?


Taehyung laid down on the bed; he took his phone as he dialled his favourite number.

"Hello, hyung?" Jungkook tiredly mumbles to Taehyung, his sound seemingly all weary.

"Hey baby, How are you?" The older exclaimed.

"Oh, you care? Can't believe that you dared to actually ask me this question after not calling me for two fucking days, Kim" The younger's aggressive tone spend a shiver or two in Taehyung's spine.

"Oh, baby, I-" Taehyung was cut off
"Save your explanation, Kim. You owe me a big fucking time. Now, get your ass home. I fucking miss you. I don't want to do this sharing thing anymore. Is that clear? Come home now." Jungkook's sternly said.

" I'll be there soon. I love you, Jungkookie." A small giggle was heard from the other side, with that Taehyung hung up the call.

Screw all the shits! He is going home. His home, his Jungkook. If he stays with Jimin more, things will get more complicated. Taehyung might be a bit dumb, but he wasn't a fool. Not at all a fool to not see what Jimin was trying to do. He can't let anything happen in between them. Especially when he have someone home. Someone who is an angel, his Jungkook.

Taehyung packed his belongings quickly, placed them on his car. That's when Jimin came out of the kitchen.
"Tae, what are you doing?" Jimin asked the blue haired boy puzzled.

"I'm leaving Jimin ah. Jungkookie called me. He wants me home. He also wanted to stop this. He misses me." Taehyung expressed happily. And all these days with him, Jimin doubt if he ever say Taehyung smiling this happy. That boxy wide smile was not for him, but for another man.

"but Tae-"

"Jimin whatever this is, it's not good for us. Especially for you. You should actually move on. We are not supposed to be together, and I know what you still wants. But, I can't, Minnie. I can't hurt my baby. I love him, now. Only him. He is the only one who cross my mind. No one else. He is the only one I want spend my rest of my life with. Jiminnie, we shouldn't do this. Let's be friends. Good friends, okay?" Taehyung explained, no more like demanded.

Without another word, Taehyung got inside his car and drove off. Jimin stayed there dumbfounded for another three hours -broken and tears. Once his tears were stopped, his anger fumed more.

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