Chapter 1: Vacation time

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As she entered her hotel room, all she could think about was how exhausted she was. Muggle means of transportation were terrible, she decided. The room was nice enough, and her eyes immediately fell on the bed. While it was a big, two-person bed, it was not the same as her own. It would do though. 'I'll unpack in the morning.' She thought. Dropping her bags, she took off her sandals and fell face first in the bed. Out the window, she could almost see the beach, but the building in front of the one she was in blocked it almost fully.

Giving in to her exhaustion, she fell asleep with her day clothes still on.


A few hours later she was awake once more, and began unpacking the few things she'd taken with her. Just enough clothes to last a week and a map. She'd be here for a few days, before leaving for Paris, where the first place was she needed to go. Outside, the weather was beautiful, warm and not a cloud in the sky. A perfect day for the beach, she decided with a smile on her face.

After getting dressed, she made her way to the restaurant, getting herself some breakfast before heading straight to the beach, feeling like she didn't have a care in the world for once.


It was on day three that she made some friends. Two girls and one boy, all around 14-years-old. And they invited her to go to Nice together. They'd leave at the end of the week.

"You know... I'm just not sure..." Jay said, looking thoughtful.

"Aw, c'mon. what's the worst that could happen? That you'll be home a few days later?" Max argued, "Besides, there'll still be plenty of time to go to Paris!" Jessi looked up from her sandwich, hoping that that would change the other girl's mind. She was a lot of fun to be together with after all.

Jay was shewing on her own sandwich, while Rose still hadn't decided on what kind she wanted. Jay thought about it. She could go to Paris tomorrow, get her books and move on, or, or she could just have a proper vacation. It was very tempting, but was it worth the shitstorm awaiting her at home if she couldn't finish her trip soon enough?

But Max was right, what would happen? Her parents would ground her, be angry with her or ignore her... and she really couldn't think of anything else. Was that something she was afraid of? No, of course not. Her parents didn't really care, she knew that. And, and... were those really the only consequences she could think of?

"You know... you have a point Max, why not?" As soon as the words had left her mouth, all three looked up, shocked at the sudden change. "You, you're serious?! You'll come with us?" Rose nearly shouted in her ear. "Yeah. I'll come along."

"Woot!" Max jumped up, throwing the last curst of his sandwich in the air, probably unintentional, seeing the look on his face. "YES GIRL!" He picked Jay up in bridal style, running to the sea.

"What are you doing?!" Jay shrieked, holding on to Max' neck. The only response she got was laughter. "Oh no, don't you dare!" She yelled, his intent getting more obvious as the sea got closer. With a small sprint Max threw both Jay and himself in the sea, getting a high-pitched shriek from Jay and laughter from the two other girls.


A few weeks later, Jay wondered to herself how she ended up in Spain, a country she wasn't even supposed to go to, but later decided it wasn't worth breaking her head over it. It was fun after all.

She was supposed to go home tomorrow, but had decided long ago that it wouldn't be happening. She was having an amazing time, just travelling around, making friends and visiting places she'd only dreamed of.

Instead of feeling guilty for leaving nothing but a note to her family regarding her choice to leave them for the summer, she simply sipped her soda and watched an overly enthusiastic round of beach volleyball.

She was going to Teruel tomorrow, a province capitol in Spain, where an herb – one that was very hard to obtain in Britain - was sold. It was mostly known for its disinfecting abilities, but the plants were not easy to come by. The seeds were expensive, but she'd met a wizard who needed help starting his car again, whom she'd helped. As a reward, she'd gotten a special reduction of price, seeing as there wouldn't have been a lot of seeds left of the herb for sale this season, had they been left in the heat any longer.

Cheering was suddenly heard over the beach, the match over. Team bandanas had somehow managed to win from Team Shirts while she'd been lost in thought, which was impressive, they'd been four points behind when she last looked at them. She smiled, cheering along with the teens who had been rooting for team bandanas.

Life was good, she decided, and apart from the occasional nightmare, she had no reason to think otherwise.

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