Chapter 17: Risky Business

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So, in hindsight, people were stupid and blind. Jay came to this conclusion after everyone -with the exception of Neville of course- believed that Charlie had killed the bloody snake. They actually believed that the boy who had panicked so badly that Jay had to knock him out to prevent being eaten, had killed the snake.

Both Neville and Jay watched in morbid fascination as everyone praised Charlie for his heroic deeds. Neville was wheezing in a corner by the end of the headmaster's speech, and Jay wasn't far behind. They both got death stares from the entire student body when they were laughing when the headmaster spoke of how the snake was killed. Something about Fawkes the phoenix coming to help, along with the sorting hat and the sword of Gryffindor? How does the man even come up with that ludicrous an amount of bullshit?

Anyway, Jay was grounded.

Well, officially speaking. Unofficially speaking there were three criminals being treated for broken bones, courtesy of the black phoenix.

She wondered if they were ever going to connect the dots of her ever-increasing height, and her only showing up in school vacations. Probably not, seeing as also everyone in the ministry seemed to believe the story about Charlie and the snake.

Oh well, it wasn't as if what she was doing was illegal. Besides using magic outside of school that is. But then again the worst thing that could cause was her being kicked out of school and have her was broken. So all in all, not that horrible.

But anyways, grounded. Because she put herself in danger and could have hindered her brother in his heroism. She was very tempted to pull out the sword she'd used just to see the looks on heir's faces. But she refrained. It actually worked in her favor.

But then a minor disaster happened.

Peter Pettigrew escaped from Azkaban. And then things got worse. She would say that her parents were trying to keep her in their vision was what was the matter, but it was much worse.

Not even a month after the escape of Pettigrew, she started having dreams. Jay almost never had dreams, and if she did, the memories of them were soon after waking up gone. But not now. She dreamed of Pettigrew, a small figure with a wheezing voice and a big snake. Like clockwork, every night, she would appear as the snake. Nagini was its name. Was her name. Jay woke up in a sweat-soaked bed, shivering and white as a sheet when Nagini ate and an elderly man. She swore, she clouds still taste the blood on her tongue from where the man was decapitated.

It didn't stop when she was awake either. Once, she looked in the mirror, and she had blood-red eyes.

It wasn't possible, but it was happening.

When Severus came over, much to the spite of James, she asked in private if he knew of someone named Nagini.

"How do you know that name?" Severus asked in a hushed tone. "Jen, I need you, to be honest to me, how do you know that name?"

"I read it somewhere." Jay lied flawlessly.

Severus didn't want to talk anymore after that.

Days later Jay decided that in order to get answers, the answers she desperately needed, she had to delve into magics she previously didn't dare.

And what a better place to read up on dark magics than the Black library. She knew Sirius didn't really care for the place, and while it had been used as a headquarters for the Order of the Phoenix in the previous war, Jay had only been there once. She had been kept a close eye on since the house was full of traps. Now though, while the fidelius charm was still in place, Sirius had not kept up the alarms and traps. In his reasoning, why would he waste his time on it? He hated the place, and if he had his say, he would have burned the place to the ground decades ago.

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