1.20 ✔

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"Hey there

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"Hey there. Its Julian, haven't had a vlog in a while have I?" The brown eyed boy said, scratching his neck and grinning sheepishly. "I have a few errands to run and I wanted to bring you with me. So, ha za!"

Julian appears in his car, the camera on the dashboard pointed towards him.

"It's been a hot minute hasn't it? Feels like years since I've done this." He spins his wheel turning the entire car to the right.

Soon he pulls into a parking lot. Turning off his car and unbuckling his seat belt he then grabs the camera shutting it down.

When the camera is turned back on its in a shopping cart pointed directly at Julian. Since he didn't want to look like an absolute psychopath he decided to do a voice over.

"So now I'm shopping, first for clothes here then I'm going down to the grocery store to get some food since Virginia and I are kinda needing some."

Julian turns down a few isles grabbing clothes and looking at the size, debating if he should get it or not. He just shrugs throwing them in.

"I don't care cause I'm a bad bitch. I'm a bad ass bitch whatcha looking at. Imma throw that back like a cadillac. I don't care how you throw it, imma handle that. Imma break this bitch, dismantle that. Sorry tik tok has basically taken over my life."

A few seconds go by of Julian just doing mundane tasks in the store before the voice over speaks up.

"I feel like I should talk more, ya know?"

The rest of the time in the store is skipped over because of time.

Then it cuts to Julian back in his car.

"Dar gato por liebre." He says seemingly speaking to himself. Then you see him checking through bags. "If I get ripped off again I swear."

He puts his bag in the passengers seat before addressimg the camera.

"Yeah after I got clothes I forgot to film me getting food. Sorry." Then he turns on his car. "We're going back to el piso because Virginia told me she has a surprise and wants to record it. I'm probably going to die, yikes."

During the entire ride it's just Julian singing or talking about random things until he parks into the parking lot of the apartment buildings. Julian brings the camera with him as her walks through the building to his apartment.

Unlocking and opening the door he gets tackled by a small body. His arms drop the bags he's carrying on the floor as his arms move to catch the person. Thankfully his hand doesn't drop the camera, which has full view of his home.

"Virginia, I got food and clothes. You put away the food." Virginia refused to move. "Virginia?"

"I did it baby brother." Julian's head tilted to the side. "I convinced the land lord to let us get a snake."

Julian quickly put the camera down and together the Flores siblings jumped up and down excited.

It cut to a snake.

"Guys we got a snake!" Julian shouted in joy. "We named him Loki after my third husband."

Then Virginia and him said 'obviously' in sync.

"But that concludes this video. Love you bye."

His outro card plays.

Guys, I finally updated

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Guys, I finally updated. I'm sooooo proud of myself. This fic is officially off hold and I will be updating again. Thank you so much for waiting, I am sorry for making you wait so long.


only had to edit a few things.

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